
About bilal

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So far bilal has created 402 blog entries.

المصور – Al Musowwir: The Fashioner / Designer

المصور – Al Musowwir: The Fashioner / Designer

Allah Ta’ala alone fashions and shapes everything to perfection and full of beauty. When Allah Ta’ala created us, He created us with perfection. Allah Ta’ala did not give us a long giraffe neck or a small chicken leg or a long elephant nose or sharp crocodile teeth. Allah Ta’ala shaped us perfect and beautiful. No one can change us or improve on us. Allah Ta’ala alone fashions and shapes things as He wishes. Look and admire the creation of Allah Ta’ala and enjoy the beauty and perfection of His creation. This will bring alive in us the recognition and appreciation of our Allah.

Imaani Muzakarah

If I look after Allah’s commands, Allah Ta’ala will look after me and will be with me
If I need anything, I must ask Allah Ta’ala alone and turn to Allah Ta’ala alone for help
The whole world cannot hurt me or help me without the permission of Allah Ta’ala
Allah Ta’ala created me, He owns me, feeds me and takes care of me

2018-10-19T08:59:24+00:00July 15th, 2018|Categories: Imaani Muzaakarah|

العزيز – ​Al-Azeez​: The Mighty / The Strong

العزيز – ​Al-Azeez​: The Mighty / The Strong

All might and strength belong to Allah Ta’ala alone. Nothing and no one can stand in front of Allah Ta’ala. If Allah Ta’ala wants, in one second He can crush the whole world. We are so small and weak, what will happen to us? Therefore, we should fear and obey ALLAH TA’ALA Who is Most Strong.

2018-10-19T09:00:43+00:00April 15th, 2018|Categories: Imaani Muzaakarah|

اَلسَّلَامُ – As Salaam: The Giver of Peace

اَلسَّلَامُ – As Salaam: The Giver of Peace

Who gives us peace? Only Allah Ta’ala gives us peace.

Money cannot buy peace. Holidays cannot give us peace. Allah Ta’ala alone gives us peace. A soft bed cannot give us a peaceful sleep. Allah Ta’ala alone gives us a peaceful sleep. When brother and sister fight or mother and father stop speaking to each other, then only Allah Ta’ala can make peace between them. The haraam T.V. and video games cannot bring peace in the home. Music cannot bring peace. Allah Ta’ala alone brings peace in our homes. Turn to Allah Ta’ala alone for peace.

Whenever you are worried and want peace read: يَا سَلَامُ (Ya-Salaamu) in abundance.

One Advice: As Muslims we have to always guard our tongues. No swearing! No teasing! No lying! Every word we speak is written down by the angels. We do not use a toothbrush to shine our shoes and then use the same toothbrush to brush our teeth. In the same way how can we use our tongues for dirty words and then the same tongues to take the pure name of Allah Ta’ala. Let us learn the lesson, “Think before we speak.”

2018-10-19T12:47:14+00:00January 15th, 2018|Categories: Imaani Muzaakarah|

اَلْقُدُّوْسُ – Al Quddoos: The Most Pure/ Free from all faults

اَلْقُدُّوْسُ – Al Quddoos: The Most Pure: Free from all faults

Who is the most pure? Allah Ta’ala is Most Pure.

Who is free from all faults? Allah Ta’ala is free from all faults.

Sometimes we are good and sometimes we are bad. Our actions are mixed up in good and in bad. Our Allah Ta’ala is completely pure, not mixed up with any bad.

We are very weak. We forget and we make mistakes all the time. We are full of faults. Our Allah Ta’ala is free from all faults. Our Allah Ta’ala never forgets and never makes mistakes.

We must love our Allah Ta’ala who has not a single fault. He is Al-Quddoos, The Most Pure, Free from all faults.

2018-10-19T12:48:15+00:00October 15th, 2017|Categories: Imaani Muzaakarah|

ُاَلشَّكُوْر Ash Shakoor – Allah Ta’ala is Very Thankful / Very Appreciative

ُاَلشَّكُوْر Ash Shakoor – Allah Ta’ala is Very Thankful / Very Appreciative

Our Allah Ta’ala is the Most Appreciative. He appreciates everything we do for Him. Even if we do a little for Allah Ta’ala, our Kind and Loving Allah Ta’ala appreciates it, becomes happy with us and gives us much, much more.

But when it comes to friends, even if we do everything for them, they do not appreciate what we do for them and are never happy with us. They always want more and more from us. It’s so hard to keep everyone happy, but it is so easy to keep our One Allah Ta’ala happy.

So let us keep on doing only for Allah Ta’ala and spending only for Allah Ta’ala and He will always appreciate whatever we do for Him and in return will always give us much more.

2018-10-19T09:03:27+00:00July 15th, 2017|Categories: Imaani Muzaakarah|

الرزاق – Ar Razzaaiq: The Provider

الرزاق – Ar Razzaaiq: The Provider

Who feed us? Who feeds our parents? Who feeds the fish in the sea? Who feeds the birds in the sky? Who feeds the ants in the ground?

The fish are swimming and Allah Ta’ala is feeding them. They don’t go to school and university. Allah ta’ala does not need schools and universities. The grade 12 metric certificate and the university degree does not give us food. Allah Ta’ala alone feeds us. The birds are flying in the sky. They don’t have shops and jobs. Allah Ta’ala feeds them. Shops and jobs can’t feed us. Allah Ta’ala alone feeds us. Allah Ta’ala knows how many potatoes we are going to eat and how much milk we are going to drink. No one can change it. Whatever we need, we should ask Allah Alone. Only Allah Ta’ala can provide us with our needs.

2018-10-19T09:05:31+00:00April 19th, 2017|Categories: Imaani Muzaakarah|