Life and Death
Volume: 18 Issue: 3

Life after Death

One day, baby fish and grandfather fish were swimming in a huge dam when suddenly a big juicy worm fell before them. Baby fish was about to bite it, when grandfather fish quickly shouted out, “STOP!!! Don’t bite that worm my son. Behind that worm is a sharp hook and a long line that you cannot see. At the end of the line on the ground is a tall man with a long rod. He will catch you with his hook and line and then light a huge fire. He will slice you up into many pieces and fry you on a hot fire. His 32 teeth will crush your flesh and his fat cat will chew your bones.”

The baby fish was not too convinced about what his grandfather was saying. The worm looked very juicy. He swam for some time around the worm, but could not see any hook, line, fire or teeth. Baby fish thought to himself, “It seems that grandfather is gone old and he is now ‘imagining things’.” Thus, when grandfather was out of sight he quickly went forward and bit at the worm. Immediately he felt a piercing pain in his jaw and he realised there was no escape. Suddenly he was dragged out of the water and pulled out by the tall man on the ground. The tall man inspected the baby fish and realised that it was too small to enjoy as a meal. Lucky enough, he threw it back into the dam. With blood trickling down his mouth, baby fish quickly swam back to grandfather. Grandfather saw the wound on its mouth and realised what had happened. “You didn’t listen to what I told you,” said grandfather fish. “I’m so sorry grandfather. I should have listened to you. I took a bite of the worm and I was caught. Luckily the man threw me back into the water and my life was spared,” said the baby fish. Grandfather fish patted him on his head and said, “Next time listen to your elders and you’ll be saved from lots of harm. You are fortunate that you were given a second chance to live, otherwise you would have been eaten to pieces.”

Just like how the fish in the water cannot see what is out of the water, in this world we cannot see what is out of the world. However, our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has informed us of what will happen when we leave this world. When the angel of death takes away our life, we will enter the grave till the Day of Qiyaamah. On the Day of Qiyaamah it will be decided for us to either go to the gardens of Jannah or go to the fire of Jahannam.

Let us not behave like the baby fish who did not believe what his grandfather said, because he was too young to understand. We, Muslims, believe in all that our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has told us. Our eyes may deceive us, but the words of Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) can never mislead us. There is definitely a life after we die and the life of the hereafter is forever and ever. Allah Ta’ala sent us in this world to prepare for the real life to come after death. The goal of our life is to please Allah Ta’ala in the beautiful way shown to us by Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). If we live our lives in the obedience of Allah Ta’ala, we will enjoy everlasting happiness and joy. But, (May Allah Ta’ala save us), if we disobey Allah Ta’ala, we will have to suffer severe punishment in the fire of Jahannam.

Dear children, let us strive and work hard to be good Muslims. By doing this we will earn the everlasting happiness of the next world. May Allah Ta’ala be pleased with us and bless us all with Jannatul Firdaus. Aameen.

Zakaat – The Third Pillar of Islam

Zakaat is the third pillar of Islam. Allah Ta’ala has made it compulsory on the rich Muslims to spend their money on the poor Muslims. This has to be done only once a year and that too only 2 ½ % of a person’s wealth. By giving zakaat to the poor, we purify our wealth from dirt and at the same time purify our hearts from greed and miserliness. Hadhrat Hasan (radiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said; “Protect your wealth by giving out zakaat.” Allah Ta’ala is so kind to us. He gives us the wealth and then asks us only to give back 2 ½ % of it for the poor.

Benefits of paying Zakaat

  1. Zakaat increases one’s wealth.
  2. Zakaat protects one’s wealth from losses.
  3. Zakaat serves as a shield from the fire of Jahannam.
  4. Zakaat attracts the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.
  5. Zakaat brings barakat (blessings) in ones’ wealth.
  6. Zakaat saves one from the love and greed for wealth.
  7. Zakaat provides for the poor and destitute.

Punishment for not giving Zakaat

Allah Ta’ala mentions in the Qur-aan Shareef, “Those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the path of Allah, then inform them of a painful punishment. On the day of Qiyaamah it (one’s money) will be heated in the fire of Jahannam and it will be branded on their foreheads and their sides and their backs. (It will be said to them). This is your treasure which you hoarded for yourselves, so taste the treasure that you had been hoarding.”

It is stated in a Hadith, “The person whom Allah Ta’ala has bestowed with wealth and does not fulfil its zakaat, on the day of Qiyaamah his wealth will be turned into a poisonous bald snake which will wrap itself around his neck and bite his jaws saying, ‘I am your wealth. I am your treasure.’” May Allah Ta’ala save us from His punishment.

This great pillar of Islam must be upheld and discharged correctly. Although zakaat is not compulsory on minor children, we should take this message home to our parents and inform them of the importance of discharging one’s zakaat correctly. In this way we will earn the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala and we will also earn lots of sawaab and rewards in the Aakhirat. Every family should sit together and work out how much of zakaat has to be paid and thereafter with a happy heart we should discharge our monies by giving it to poor Muslims who do not have anything.

Dua to read as we approaching the month of Ramadhaan

اَللَّهُمَّ سَلِّمْنِيْ لِرَمَضَانَ وَسَلِّمْ رَمَضَانَ لِيْ وَسَلِّمْهُ لِيْ مُتَقَبَّلًا

(Allahumma sallim nee li Ramadhaana wa sallim Ramadhaana lee wa sallim hu lee mutaqab ba laa)

O Allah! Safeguard me for the Month of Ramadhaan and safeguard the Month of Ramadhaan for me (by making the conditions in it such that I can take maximum benefit from it) and accept it from me. (Kanz-ul-Ummal)

Advice for Parents: Quick Tips for bringing up children

By Khalifah ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz (rahimahullah)

Khalifah ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz (rahimahullah) wrote the following instructions to his children’s teacher:

“Be strict on them for this is more effective in restraining them. Stop them from sleeping after Fajr Salaah, for this causes stupidity / negligence. They should laugh less for a lot of laughing kills the heart / soul. Let the first thing you inculcate in them be the hatred for music, for I have heard from various Ulama that music develops hypocrisy in the heart just as water grows grass.

Each of them should commence the day with the recitation of the Qur-aan Shareef in the proper manner. When they complete that, they should take their bows and arrows and proceed barefooted to the range. Each of them should shoot 7 times. Thereafter they should take mid-day sleep (siesta). For Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (radiyallahu’anhu) used to say: O my children! Take siesta, for verily the devils do not do so.”


These words of Khalifah ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdil ‘Azeez (rahimahullah) give us the following lessons on upbringing of children:

  1. To commence the day with the recitation of the Qur-aan
  2. Not to sleep after Fajr (until after sunrise at least)
  3. To abstain from music
  4. To laugh less
  5. Engagement in some form of physical activity, like archery
  6. The importance of siesta (qailoolah / mid-day sleep)

Qur-aan Reading: Each of the above are valuable lessons of life, which we as adults can implement and also inculcate in our children. The recitation of Qur-aan first thing in the morning will bring barakah (blessing) in our affairs throughout the day. Our children should see us reciting the Qur-aan after Fajr. This will subconsciously lead them on to the same.

Music: Don’t allow children to listen to Music. Don’t allow the seeds of hypocrisy to grow even at that tender age. Nowadays computer games are full of music yet our children freely play these games. Many a Muslim has a musical ringtone on his phone. Let’s make a change now forever. Remove that musical ringtone.

Physical activity: Physical activities have many benefits in early childhood development that can never be replaced with any electronic device. Parents need to carefully think of ways to keep their children occupied in a manner that won’t just keep them away from bothering their parents, but ways that will enhance the child’s mind, body and Imaan as well.

[Adapted from Al-Miftaah]

Maktab News

Most Beloved Children

Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu.

May Allah Ta’ala bless the entire Ummah with good health and strong Imaan.

It is only with the Grace of Allah Ta’ala that we have reached the end of the first term. May Allah Ta’ala accept our efforts and crown it with success. We have still three terms left for us to prove ourselves to our Allah Ta’ala and become good practicing Muslims.

This term our theme for the Al-Maktab newsletter is “LIFE AFTER DEATH”. Every Muslim must realise that one day he/she will leave this world and will have to meet Allah Ta’ala. If we prepare ourselves well and try our best to please Allah Ta’ala, He will honour us in the next life and will bless us with Jannah. It is with this intention that we come to Madrasah, to learn about Allah Ta’ala, Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and to prepare for the Aakhirat. May Allah bless us all with the highest stages in Jannatul Firdaus.

JazakAllah to all the children who took part in the quiz and project competitions. May Allah Ta’ala accept every pupil’s contribution. The names of the winners for the Quiz are as follows:

  • Ahmed Rahim in Grade 4 from Baitul Hamd
  • M Rais Abdullah in Grade 6 from Scottsville
  • Ahmad Haffajee in Grade 5 from Furqaania
  • M Yusuf Metar in Grade 4 from Kokstad
  • Altamish Khan in Grade 5 from Eastview

Congratulations to one and all. Masha Allah! You all have done well and your prizes are on the way. The winners for the best projects for each grade are as follows:

  • Rayah Omarjee in Grade 1 from Silverglen
  • Roha Safla in Grade 2 from Kokstad
  • Maymoona Roman in Grade 3 from Waterloo
  • M Ibrahim Amod in Grade 4 from Redfern
  • Ilhaam Shaik in Grade 5 from Reservoir Hills
  • Ameena Gaffoor in Grade 6 from Omar Farooq
  • Yusra Ibraheem Seja in Grade 7 from Empangeni


Answer all 10 questions correctly and submit your entries. The first 5 correct entries drawn will receive R50.00 cash.

  1. What is the theme of this ‘Al Maktab’?
  2. How many pillars does Islam have and name them?
  3. What are the questions that will be asked in the grave?
  4. Mention 3 benefits of paying Zakaat?
  5. Mention 2 punishments for not paying Zakaat?
  6. Mention 3 harms of music?
  7. How much of zakaat is compulsory from a person’s wealth, and how often?
  8. Mention 2 lessons that we learn from the story of the baby fish and his grandfather?
  9. What is the dua to be read at the approach of Ramadhaan?
  10. Explain what is ‘Qailoolah’?


  1. The life after death
  2. Zakaat—The third pillar of Islam

All entries must be handed in by 02 May 2018. Winners in each grade will receive R100.00 cash.

N.B. Please write your name, the name of your Madrasah, the area you live in and your grade on your project in BIG BOLD WRITING. Please hand in the quiz and projects separately. JazakAllah.