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The Blessings of a Child who went to Maktab

Nabi ‘Isa (‘alaihis salaam) was once proceeding to a certain place for some task when he passed by a grave. On looking at the grave, Allah Ta‘ala showed him that angels of punishment were torturing the inmate of the grave.

Sometime later, when Nabi ‘Isa (‘alaihis salaam) had completed his task and was returning, he again passed by the grave. However, Allah Ta‘ala now showed him that instead of angels of punishment, there were angels of mercy at the grave, bearing platters of divine radiance!

Nabi ‘Isa (‘alaihis salaam) was surprised at this sudden change in condition. He thus performed salaah and engaged in du‘aa, begging Allah Ta‘ala to reveal to him what had caused the punishment of the inmate to cease and be replaced with His special mercy.

Allah Ta‘ala sent revelation to Nabi ‘Isa (‘alaihis salaam) informing him thus:

O ‘Isa (‘alaihis salaam)! This servant led a life of disobedience and sin, and he has thus been engulfed in punishment from the time he passed away. However, when he passed away, he left a wife who was expecting a child. After the child was born, she raised him and saw to his upbringing until he grew into a young boy. She then made him over to the maktab (elementary madrasah) teachers. After entering the madrasah, the teacher made the child recite “Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem”. I thus felt ashamed to punish my servant with fire within the earth while his son is taking My name above the earth.

(At-Tafseerul Kabeer vol. 1, pg. 143)


1. One of the greatest investments for any parent is a pious child. As the parents were the means of the child entering the world, they have a share in all his good works and righteous deeds and are rewarded accordingly. However, for this investment to bear fruit, the seeds of piety and righteousness will have to be planted and nurtured in the child.

2. In order for the seeds of righteousness and piety to be planted in the child, it is essential that the child be enrolled into a maktab madrasah. It is in the maktab madrasahs that the children are taught the basics and fundamentals of Imaan and Islam, such as the oneness of Allah Ta‘ala, the prophethood of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), how to make wudhu, how to perform salaah, how to recite the Quraan Majeed, etc. Since many parents are unable to teach their children themselves (due to lacking the time or knowledge), enrolling the children into a maktab is a proven solution to ensuring that they are not deprived of the teachings of Islam.

3. We should regularly make du‘aa for the forgiveness of all those who have passed on with imaan, especially our parents, grandparents, asaatizah (those who taught us Deen), etc.

2018-10-24T06:20:45+00:00October 24th, 2018|Categories: Articles|

Advices of Hadhrat Haji Ahmad Nakooda of Madinah Munawwarah

For a person to become a perfect believer, he has to have Taqwa (i.e. piety).

Taqwa is gained when a person is purified from spiritual maladies like pride, malice, etc. This is achieved by making zikr, reciting lots of Durood Shareef daily, and protecting the seven parts of the body from sin:

The seven parts of the body are as follows;

  1. THE EYES: Casting lustful glances at Na-Mahram Men or Women is committing adultery of the eye. This makes the heart filthy and ruins it. Without sincere taubah (repentance) ones Imaan can be ruined. Viewing of pornographic material, photographs, television, films, etc. is also adultery of the eyes.
  2. THE TONGUE: Backbiting and speaking lies destroys the heart. If it becomes a habit, it ruins a person’s Imaan, unless a person repents (i.e. makes taubah) sincerely.
  3. THE EARS: Listening to music: This is very harmful as it breeds hypocrisy in the heart, and it leads to immodesty.
  4. THE STOMACH: If one morsel of haraam food enters the stomach then the dua’s of such a person is not accepted for 40 days. One should abstain totally from all haraam transactions, especially that of ribaa (interest).
  5. THE HANDS: To unjustly take away someone’s possession even if it is just worth half a cent. One will have to repay the oppressed person with 700 Maqbool (accepted) Namaaz’s of his on the Day of Judgement. To hit one’s children over the limit is cruelty, the result of which is very disastrous in both the worlds.
  6. THE LEGS: One should totally abstain from going to evil places.
  7. THE PRIVATE PARTS: One should protect one’s private parts and totally abstain from adultery (zina). Just as music and wine are causes of earthquakes, so does adultery. It also causes the harmful disease aids.

Hence one has to achieve Taqwa to safeguard one’s Imaan and to be saved from the calamities of this world and the hereafter.

The following three deeds are prescribed by our great Ulama:

  1. Daily Kitaab Reading – Mainly Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat (virtues of charity).
  2. Remembering death – the grave, judgement day, crossing of the pul siraat etc.
  3. Zikr- Istighfaar, First and Third kalimah and abundant Durood Shareef and Tilaawat of the Quraan Shareef
2018-10-20T06:53:27+00:00October 20th, 2018|Categories: Articles|

اَلْبَارِئُ – Al Baari’ : The Originator

اَلْبَارِئُ – Al Baari’ : The Originator

  • Allah Ta’ala is the one who brings things into existence.
  • Allah Ta’ala alone brings things from non-existence into existence.
  • There was nothing and Allah Ta’ala made everything.
  • We need bricks, windows and doors to make a small house. But Allah Ta’ala does not need anything to make the entire world. Without a drop, Allah Ta’ala made the oceans. Without a leaf, Allah Ta’ala made the trees. Without sand Allah Ta’ala made the mountains.
  • Allah Ta’ala alone brings things from non-existence into existence, with wisdom and perfection.

Dear Ustaaz / Apa

Explain this quality of Allah Ta’ala to the children and make them understand that Allah Ta’ala creates without any raw material

2018-10-19T12:39:51+00:00October 19th, 2018|Categories: Imaani Muzaakarah|

A Maktab Apa’s Passion to Teach Deen

Bismihi Ta’ala

In this day and age, teaching little children in a primary makatb is not amongst the easiest of tasks. Teachers are faced with major challenges in the classroom. Often the Apa goes back home at the end of the day tired and dejected. The question that keeps on ringing in her mind is, “Are we winning?”

Each day brings about new challenges for the maktab Apa. The children in her classroom are so different. Some are from broken homes, others from mixed marriages and yet some from foreign backgrounds who don’t even understand our language. Then, we are faced with the challenge of technology. Children are addicted to the X-Box, smart phone, T.V. games, and the list goes on. Their attention span is so low that it lasts for a maximum of five minutes for the day. At times, whilst taking a child’s sabak, you may find him suddenly taking his kitaab, using it as a steering wheel and speeding off as if he is the driver of a formula 1 taking part in a Kyalami race.

The major intake of junk by children today further stunts their progress and understanding. Every other child is diagnosed with ADD and ADHD whereas this was something never heard of in the past. How does an Apa cope in her classroom? She isn’t getting a fantastic salary to motivate her to carry on. Maktab Apas get paid paltry salaries. If the elephant cried when he heard how much the Moulana was earning, it would probably die when it hears how much the Apas are receiving. Some Apas are teaching for years and haven’t received any increments, yet they continue teaching with the same passion and enthusiasm without any complaint. Then what prompts her to carry on and embrace each day as it comes?

It’s her deep love for Deen and the Sunnah of Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] that prompts her to keep going. As she walks to madarasah daily, she treads carefully on the ground knowing full well that she is walking on the wings of the Malaaikah. She is the representatives of Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] on this earth. Every now and again, as she walks to madrasah, she glances at the skies above and her eyes catch hold of a bird in the distance. The Apa smiles to herself knowing full well that that bird is busy engaging in dua for HER forgiveness. Whilst other professionals may boast of their professions and their degrees, she knows without doubt that she is amongst the best people walking on the face of the earth. She is among the best since she is teaching the Qur-aan and Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] has said, “The best of you is the one who learns the Qur-aan and teaches it.”

She is unconcerned about the meagre salary she earns because she has full conviction in the fact that Allah Ta’ala will reward her far more than what any person can pay her in this temporary world. She knows that Allah Ta’ala will reward her with that which no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard off and no heart can ever imagine. She knows that my Allah will reward me with the highest position of Jannah because I am in the profession of my beloved Nabi [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] who once mentioned to the Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum), “Allah Ta’ala sent me as a Mua’llim (teacher).”
Below is an incident that occurred in a maktab in (KZN). It was really inspirational to hear this story and the need was felt that it must be shared with all teachers, hoping that it will inspire one and all. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the taufeeq to also act in the same manner. Sometimes we are quick to write off a student. We feel that he is not capable and thus ask him to leave the Madrasah. Think for a moment, how will we answer to Allah Ta’ala if He asks us, “A child came to your door searching for ME and you turned him away. Why?” How will we answer? May Allah Ta’ala forgive us.

NOTE: The names of the children and the madrasah have been changed.
At the beginning of 2018, a new child enrolled at Madrasah Atfaal. He seemed to be very disturbed. What was really surprising about this boy was his violent behaviour. No child could pass him without being punched, slapped or kicked. The other children in his class were terrified of him. By the third day, four children left the madrasah and the Apa was now going crazy in her class. No one could control this boy. He was extremely disturbed and his behavior was beyond anyone’s control. By the fourth day, the Apa was ready to hand in her resignation saying, “Either he remains in the class or I remain. The way things are going, it seems as if all the children in the class will leave. Some drastic action has to be taken immediately.” The poor Apa could not be blamed for this, since most others in a similar situation would have probably done the same.

The principal phoned his mother and asked her if she could come in immediately. When she arrived half an hour later, her son’s behaviour at the madrasah was spelt out to her. She burst into tears saying, “I don’t know what to do with him anymore. The school principal expelled him last week. His father has a terrible temper and beats me up at home. He sees his dad behaving in this manner. What you are seeing him doing is an imitation of what he sees his father doing.”

“I’m sorry, we won’t be able to keep him in the madrasah,” said the principal. “He’s going to chase all the students away from here.” A senior Apa at the Madrasah happened to overhear this conversation. She came forward and said softly, “How can we send a child away from our madrasah when he came here to learn the knowledge of Deen? How will we answer to Allah Ta’ala for this? Let me take him in my class and I will try my best to work with him.”

The next day she took the little boy into her class and made dua to Allah Ta’ala to help her with this child. The first thing the Apa did was contact the mother. She said to her, “We are going to fight this battle together, and we are going to win Insha Allah. But we have to do this together. Are you prepared?” The mother assured her co-operation. The Apa then gave her the following guidelines;
“Firstly,” said the Apa, “I want you to wake up every night at the time of Tahajjud and make dua for your son. Remember, the duas of a mother are readily accepted. I will also wake up at the time of Tahajjud and make dua for him.”

“Secondly, I’m going to give you a book. It’s written by a great Aalim, Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (RA). The name of the book is Fazaail-e-Aamaal. Every night sit with your son and read to him the Ahaadith contained in this book. This book contains valuable advice. Reading the Hadith of Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] in your home will bring about great peace and barkat in your home and in your life. Try to practice on whatever you read.”

“Thirdly, I’m going to give you a CD of Hadhrat Moulana Yunus Patel (rahmatullahi alayh). The CD contains Hadhrat Moulana’s zikr. Play the CD at home every night and sit with your son on the musalla. With full concentration make the zikr of Allah Ta’ala in your home.”

“Fourthly, I want you to take him to an educational psychologist for an assessment. Because of his unsteady childhood, he may need some medical help as well.”

With the above four advices from the Apa, the little boy’s mother undertook the arduous journey with her son to try and rectify the situation. Every night after the Esha Salaah, they sat together reading the advices from Fazaail-e-Amaal and making zikr of Allah Ta’ala. At the time of Tahajjud she would awake from her bed and make special dua for her son. Can we imagine the effect of this dua. The dua of a mother and that too, at the time of Tahajjud.

Its six months since that day and the young boy is a completely different child. He sits quietly in his class and learns his sabak every day. He adores his Apa and has all the time in the world for her. His mother says that when he comes home, the only thing he speaks about is “My Apa told me this and my Apa told me that.” He doesn’t speak anything about school or the sports he plays at school. The thing he really enjoys in life is his time at the Madrasah.

On the last day of the madrasah term before the children could leave for the holidays, his Apa bought burgers for all the children in her class as a treat for them. One child commented, “Apa you only bought us a burger. Where is the coke?” The little boy was very upset with this statement. He immediately retorted, “That’s being ungrateful. You should at least say JazakAllah to Apa for buying us a burger.”

This is the power of a maktab Apa. Outwardly it may seem that she has only 15 children in front of her whom she can make an effort on, but in reality, she has 15 families before her. She can make that difference in the homes of all these children. That is why our elders tell us that when we sit in the classroom, make niyyat (intention) for the hidaayat (guidance) of the entire mankind. Who knows that through one child Allah Ta’ala will cause the winds of hidaayat to blow on the entire mankind.

In this instance, the Apa managed to introduce ta’leem and zikr in the home of that child and also got the mother to wake up for Tahajjud daily.

No child is a Write-off. We cannot chase any child away. As a teacher, YOU can make that difference in the life of that child.

May Allah Ta’ala inspire us all to be an inspiration for our students in the classroom and guide us to be a true reflection of our beloved Rasul [sallallahu alayhi wasallam].

2018-10-19T07:21:25+00:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Articles|

FAQ – Imaani Muzaakarah

Q: What is Imaani Muzaakarah and how does it work?

A: Imaani Muzaakarah is a discussion on Imaan for the children in the Makaatib. Their tongues need to become moist with the talks of Allah Ta’ala. With the passing of time the reality of Imaan would insha-Allah enter, then permeate their hearts, resulting in success in the Aakhirah

The OBJECTIVE of the Imaani Muzaakarah is to in-still the reality and love of Allah Ta’ala in our hearts and the hearts of the children of the Ummah, to gain the Ma’rifat and Muhabbat of Allah Ta’ala, i.e. to know who Allah Ta’ala is.

How is it done?

Basically there are two parts to our Imaani Muzaakarah:

1. The Daily Reminder

Below are the main points of the “Imaani Muzaakarah” which the pupils need to repeat daily. A “Daily Reminder”.  A short slot, maybe the last five minutes of class time can be allocated for the Daily Reminder.

  • Alhamdulillah, I am a Muslim.
  • I will live and die as a Muslim, Insha Allah.
  • Only Muslims will go to Jannah (paradise).
  • Jannah is forever.
  • It has rivers of honey and milk.
  • We will have gardens, palaces and servants.
  • We will never get tired, hungry or angry.
  • Jannah is full of happiness and goodness.
  • We will get whatever we wish for in Jannah.
  • Allah Ta’ala has blessed me with Imaan
  • I believe in one Allah and in Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam as the last messenger of Allah Ta’ala.
  • Imaan is my ticket to Jannah.
  • I love Allah Ta’ala and Allah Ta’ala loves me.
  • Allah Ta’ala is full of mercy and forgiveness.
  • I obey Allah Ta’ala in the way shown to me by Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam.
  • Allah Ta’ala is Khaaliq, (The Creator) – Allah Ta’ala created everything, the sun, moon, stars and birds. The sky, earth, mountains and animals. Allah Ta’ala created you and me and everything we see.
  • Allah Ta’ala is Raaziq, (The Provider) – Allah Ta’ala gave us food to eat and water to drink. Allah Ta’ala gave us eyes, ears, nose and a mouth; tongue to talk and feet to walk. Allah Ta’ala gave us whatever we have.
  • Allah Ta’ala is Maalik, (The Owner) – Allah Ta’ala owns everything. Nothing belongs to us. Everything belongs to Allah Ta’ala. Our shoes, clothing, houses and cars all belong to Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala takes it away whenever he wants. Allah Ta’ala gives and forgives, we get and forget. We need to prepare to meet Allah Ta’ala. With Salaah, Qur-aan, Zikr and Dua, we will get closer and closer to Allah Ta’ala.
  • Why do I come to Madrasah? I come to the madrasah to learn about Allah Ta’ala and His messenger, Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. I come to learn and practice what Allah Ta’ala wants from me at every moment of my life.

2. Weekly Discussion

Together with the Daily Reminder, a supporting discussion needs to be presented to the pupils once a week. The theme of this discussion should be from the Qualities/Names of Allah Ta’aala. One Quality/Name should be discussed for one entire term (about 3 months). There after another Quality/name should be discussed for the next three months and so on. This discussion can be in the form of a short story, some activity, or just some food for thought, or even present questions to the class in order to get some feedback and response from the students to see what they are thinking. As we said, this discussion should take place once a week. Maybe for the other days just allude towards what was discussed for that week. But the above Imaani muzaakarah Daily Reminder  needs to be repeated daily.

To get much content to discuss for 2-3 months will be challenging for one person, so an easy way to do this is to give all the teachers some long term homework to do. They must research and look for ideas, stories, write ups, activities, explanations, etc and present it to a senior Aalim of the madrasah, who can go through it, put it together and make up the weekly discussions.

Remember, this is just and idea or a guideline. Let us know what you think and please share your ideas with us.

Back to >>> Imaani Muzaakarah

2019-10-23T07:57:51+00:00October 15th, 2018|Categories: FAQ|


Q: Does the Ta’limi Board prefer us teaching the Yassarnal Qur-aan or the Towards reading the Qur-aan?

A: The Ta’limi Board (KZN) generally encourages the teaching of the Yassarnal Qur-aan. However it does not discourage anyone who is teaching the ‘Towards reading the Qur-aan’ or any other qaidah, provided the Mu’allim/ah has mastered the art of teaching it. If any mu’allim/ah is teaching it well and the children are coping with it, then there is no problem in teaching it. The main purpose of any qaidah/primer is to get a child into Qur-aan.

Q: Should the Qur-aan lessons be written on the board?

A: In grades one to four, Qaidah/Qur-aan lessons should be first written on the board. Pupils must first be taught from the board. Thereafter they should be made to read from the Qur-aan.

Q: Is it necessary for the teachers to write the lessons on the board for grades 5-7? 

A: Only one aayat or about five lines should be written on the board. Thereafter the rest of the sabak should be taught from the Qur-aan Shareef directly.

Q: Is it necessary to group the children for Qur-aan or is it okay to have them on individual lessons? 

A: It is extremely essential to group the children in each grade. In order to improve Qur-aan recitation, one will have to have all the children in one group.

QWhat if all the pupils cannot manage being in one group? At times some learners do not have the capability to all be in one group.

A: Ideal would be to have all the children in one group. However at times you may have a few or many weak learners in the class. In that case the class could be broken up into two groups. One with the fast learners and the other with the slow learners. However the goal must be to slowly wean off the slow learners and join them into the A group with the fast learners. 

Q: I have only one weak learner in my class. What should I do with him?

A: Such a child could be made to learn at his/her own pace. You do not have to keep him/her in the same group.

Q: I want to bring my grade 5 learners in a group but they are all in different sabaks. Some are in 5th para, some in 10th para, some in 20th para. What should I do in such a case? Can I bring them all to one level. 

A: There is no problem to bring learners ahead or putting them behind. However if you are going to put any learner behind, first inform the parents that you will be putting him/her back and the reason for doing so. Explain to them the need to read with tajweed and how this system will help their child. Many parents will understand after they are properly explained.

Q: At times parents complain that their child has the potential of moving ahead. They insist that we should push them forward rather than sticking to the sylaabus. What should we do in such a situation? 

A: It is best to ask someone senior person at your Madrasah to set up a parents meeting and discuss this issue with them. Explain to them that a structure for Madrasah ta’leem has been put in place and every child has to follow that structure even though they may have the potential to move much faster than the rest of the class. The situation is the same at school. If a child is in grade one and has the potential of doing grade three work, the parent will not go to the school and insist that the child must commence the next years work because he/she has the capability. They will have to follow the syllabus and the curriculum that the school has layed out. In the same manner at Madrasah a curriculum has been designed for each grade and learners will have to follow the designed curriculum.

Qur-aan teaching takes lots of effort and skill. Insha Allah if the teachers focus themselves correctly they will be able to improve the Qur-aan recitation. The greatest joy for a maktab teacher is to see his/her pupils reciting Qur-aan correctly. Comparatively other subjects are much easier to teach and can be rectified very easily. Improving Qur-aan recitation is a long arduous task which takes much tact, effort and dua. However the reward is indeed very great in the sight of Allah Ta’ala.

2018-10-29T06:29:35+00:00October 15th, 2018|Categories: FAQ|

The Maktab

The Lifeblood of the Community………… It is an indisputable fact that the Ummah is currently passing through a phase of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance). The global onslaught upon the Ummah is on many fronts. However, the most dangerous and unfortunately the most effective is the silent battle that is waged on the hearts and minds of our innocent children. The battle is waged with smiling faces, alluring fashions, deceptive articles and even “exciting” toys which leave subtle messages in the hearts of children. Eventually, Muslim children with Muslim names but western hearts and minds grow up without any spirit of Islam in their lives. Apart from a few practices which they perform in a ritualistic manner, their lives centre on materialism and chasing “fun.” The true purpose of our existence in this earth is then completely lost. Thus it is imperative that we recognise the harm of this battle that is being waged on the hearts and minds of the Ummah. Having recognised it, steps must be taken to safeguard ourselves and our children from the onslaught.

One of the most vital efforts in this regard is the effort of the Makaatib. It has become the means of stemming the tide of kufr in many parts of the world. Indeed, it is only by inculcating the awareness of Allah Ta’ala together with a sound knowledge of at least the fundamentals of Deen that will serve as a protection for our children.

In the current conditions of fitnah and fasaad (mischief and corruption), lack of Deeni knowledge, Taqwa and a general mindset of materialism, the role of the primary Madarasah, The Maktab has become more important and vital than ever before. In numerous countries of the world, and indeed in our own country, the Makaatib have become a means of saving the Imaan of thousands and reversing the tide of Irtidaad (reneging from Islam). It is not possible to fully appreciate the fundamental function that these Makaatib fulfill in watering the seeds of Imaan which will later flourish, Insha Allah.

Every parent should regard it as his/her incumbent duty to find a suitable maktab for their child to attend daily. Parents should be firm on sending their children to learn the Qur-aan as well as other basic tenets of Deen.

In this regard, the Jaimatul Ulama (KZN) is trying to the best of their ability to set up makaatib in every area thus making it easy for the Muslims in KZN to send their children to maktab daily. If you are finding difficulty for any reason finding a suitable madrasah for your child, please contact us on 031 9122 172 or via e-mail at <>

May Allah Ta’ala accept us, guide us, protect us and always be pleased with us. Aameen.

2018-09-08T22:25:04+00:00September 7th, 2018|Categories: Articles|

The First Ten Days of Zul Hijjah

By the break of the day. By the ten nights [S:89 V:1-2]

The Mufassireen (commentators of the Qur-aan-e-Kareem) are of the opinion that the ten nights upon which Allah Ta’ala has taken an oath in this Surah refer to the first ten days of Zul Hijjah. These ten days, after the month of Ramadhaan, are regarded to be amongst the most significant days in the Islamic calendar. The following Ahaadith of Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam clearly explain the great significance these ten days hold in Islam.

Clipping of Nails and Trimming of Hair

ُHadhrat Umme Salamah radiyallahu anha reports that Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: “When the ten days [of Zul Hijjah] commence and any of you intend to make Qurbaani then he should not remove his hair or trim his nails.” [Muslim: # 1977]

Any person performing Qurbaani should refrain from clipping his nails and trimming his hair until he has completed his Qurbaani. Hence, before the crescent of Zul Hijjah is sighted, a person should trim his nails and remove his hair to practice on this Hadith. Thereafter, for the ten days of Zul Hijjah, he should not trim his hair or cut his nails until he has completed performing his Qurbaani. This act, according to the Fuqaha, has been declared as Mustahab.
During the days of Haj, people from all over the world gather in Makkah Mukarramah to uphold this great pillar of Haj. People equalling millions in number gather around the Baitullah in the state of Ihraam. At this particular time, the special Mercy and Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala descends on the Hujjaaj. The Shariah has imposed many restrictions on the Hujjaaj whilst in the state of Ihraam. They cannot apply itr, wear stitched garments, clip their hair or nails, etc. Those who are not privileged to perform Haj have been commanded to also leave their nails unclipped and their hair untrimmed in order to resemble the Hujjaaj and also join in the special Mercy of Allah Ta’ala. In this way they will also attain some similarity to the millions of Hujjaaj that have gathered in Makkah Mukarramah.1

Zikr of Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, Takbeer and Tahleel

Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam has encouraged us in these days to recite Tasbeeh (Subhanallah), Tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), Tahleel (Laa-ilaha illallah) and Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) in abundance.
In these ten days one should, as far as possible, keep the zikr of the third kalimah on his tongue. Recite this zikr as
much as possible. Whilst walking, working, driving, lying down, etc. keep on reciting this kalimah. You will be rewarded immensely for this. For a detailed discussion on the rewards of reciting this kalimah, refer to Fazaail-e-Zikr written by Sheikhul Hadeeth Moulana Muhammad Zakariyyah ̨. 1 Islaahi Khutubaat Vol. 2 Page 135

Aamaal-e-Saalihah (Good Deeds)

Hadhrat Ibn Abbaas radiyallahu anhuma narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said; “There are no days wherein good deeds are more beloved to Allah Ta’ala than on these ten days [of Zul Hijjah]. The Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum enquired, ‘O Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam , not even Jihaad in the path of Allah.’ He Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam replied, ‘Not even Jihaad in the path of Allah except for that person who went out with his life and his wealth and did not return.’” [Bukhaari #969]

Fasting and staying awake at night Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah radiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said; “There are no days wherein Allah Ta’ala loves that He be worshipped, more than the first ten days of Zul Hijjah. Fasting on one day (in these ten days) equals the fasting of one year and staying awake at night [in Ibaadah] equals the Ibaadah of Laylatul Qadar.” [Tirmizi # 758]

From this Hadith we understand the importance of dedicating our time and effort during these days in the Ibaadah of Allah Ta’ala. Who has the ability of fasting for so many years? If a Muslim makes an effort to fast on these mubaarak (blessed) days, he will receive the reward of fasting for so many years.

We try our best to find Laylatul Qadr in the last ten days of the mubaarak month of Ramadhaan. People all over the world sit in I’tikaaf with the hope of finding this mubaarak night. At the end of Ramadhaan discussions ensue as to which night of Ramadhaan they felt was Laylatul Qadr. However, the exact night of Laylatul Qadr is known only to Allah Ta’ala. In the above mentioned Hadith, Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Sallam is clearly telling us that ibaadah done on these ten nights equals to the ibaadah performed on Laylatul Qadr. How unfortunate will we be if we do not take advantage of this great opportunity and gain great sawaab? May Allah Ta’ala bless us with the taufeeq (ability) of spending our time profitably in these ten days. Aameen.

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2018-09-07T19:11:00+00:00August 13th, 2018|Categories: Articles|