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First Day of Madrasah

Respected Ulama / Mu’allimaat
Assalaamu alaykum warhmatullahi wabrakaatuhu

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Ta’ala our Madrasahs are opening today. Once again children will be coming to Madrasah to learn the Qur-aan Shareef by us. All praise is due to Allah Ta’ala alone for this. May Allah accept our broken efforts.

10 guidelines for the first day of Madrasah

  1. Perform two rakaats of Salaatul Haajaat and make dua to Allah Ta’ala for assistance, guidance and acceptance.
  2. Get familiar with your classroom as well as the new children in your class.
  3. Write down the names of the pupils in the temporary register. [Attached]
  4. Give the children a small talk on the importance of coming to Madrasah everyday and how it will benefit them in this world and the next.
  5. Read out to them the guidelines for pupils. [This is found in the pupil’s diary].
  6. Give each child an enrolment form and ask him/her to have it filled in by his/her parents/guardians.
  7. Collect all pupils’ blue progress cards. Erase assessments in surahs, duas and Hadith.
  8. Check if you have all the necessary kitaabs for your class. If you are short of any books, please make a note of it and contact your Principal / Supervisor. [Pls make a note of the changes in the syllabus].
  9. Commence sabak of Qur-aan / Qaidah on the first day of Madrasah.
  10. Do some revision of past years Surahs and Duas in the form of a group.
Note: The Ta’limi Board workshop will take place on Saturday 20 January at the Westville Jaami Masjid at 9:15 am Insha Allah

May Allah Ta’ala accept our broken efforts and bless us with His special Rahmah and Mercy.

Was Salaam
Ta’limi Board (KZN)
2024-01-17T05:16:18+00:00January 17th, 2024|Categories: NOTICE BOARD|

The Importance of the Maktab


The maktab system, throughout the annals of history, has proven to be one of the most vital means of preserving our Deen. Wherever a maktab was established, Deen-e-Islam remained in that area. The basic knowledge of Islam is learnt at this primary Madrasah. Today, whatever Deen we have is mainly because of what we learnt in the maktab. Therefore, we should strive to ensure that this system continues to flourish till the day of Qiyaamah. Every locality should establish a maktab and show the greatest importance, to it for verily this is the foundation of Islam. All other works of Deen will rest on this foundation. It has been noticed, in those areas where no maktab system exists, very quickly Muslims lose their identity and even leave the fold of Islam, Allah forbid.


To run a maktab efficiently, it is imperative to have a proper syllabi and curriculum in place. This helps in developing the children into good practicing Muslims. Over the years many organisations have developed good, notable kitaabs which has helped children learn the basics of Islam. These books need to be reviewed regularly to ensure that children are adequately equipped to combat the challenges they face in life.


After establishing the maktab, it is necessary that the maktab be supervised by a group of learned Ulama to ensure that a good level of ta’leem is maintained. The supervision team will be able to assist teachers in improving their teaching methods and uplifting the level of ta’leem at the maktab. Internally, the principal of the maktab should also go from class to class inspecting the quality of education imparted. This helps to maintain a high standard of ta’leem at our makaatib.


By and large, the Qur-aan reading in our makaatib need serious attention. We have to try to improve the standard of Tajweed, pronunciation and fluency of Qur-aan reading. Qur-aan sabaks must be repeated several times daily to perfect the reading of the children. Asaatizah should create a passion within themselves to become excellent Qur-aan teachers.


Islam is a practical way of life. Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) taught Deen practically to the Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum). More important than the theory, is the practical method of doing the Ibaadaat. Wudhu, Ghusal, Salaah, Aadaab of the toilet, Aadaab of eating, drinking, wearing clothes, etc. are things that a Muslim does every day of his life. If the pupils perfect these aadaab they will be able to continue their daily lives in accordance to the Sunnah. Asaatizah must take the pupils to the toilet, wudhu khana and the masjid to practically show them the practical method of doing these Ibaadaat.


The most important aspect of the maktab is to correct the Aqeedah and beliefs of the pupils. Imaani Mujmal and Imaani Mufassal is taught to them from Grade 0. These aspects have to be ingrained into them with the hope that they will live and die as Muslims. The lessons of tauheed, Risaalat and Ma-aad (belief in the hereafter) should regularly be taught to them. Pupils attending Christian Schools are bombarded with beliefs of Christ and the cross. They come into contact with priests who attempt to snatch away their Imaan. Theories of Evolution and the big bang is part of the school syllabus. Pupils are made to write assignments on this subject. At times one-third of the exam paper discusses questions on evolution compelling pupils to write answers in conflict with our Aqeedah. LGBTQ drives take place in all public schools where pupils are counselled in this regard. Most children feel that there is nothing wrong in being gay or lesbian. At the maktab these beliefs need to be properly taught to the children so that their Imaan is not shattered in any way.


Together with ta’leem, tarbiyat is of utmost importance. Asaatizah should always be checking the behaviour and mannerisms of the students. Whatever is taught at the maktab must be implemented in their lives. Always check the dressing of the students, their manners, the way they speak and conduct themselves. It is the duty of the Ustaaz to ensure that the students are performing their five daily salaah and fasting in the month of Ramadhaan. This is part of the tarbiyat of the students.


This is extremely necessary. Most children leave maktab after Grade 7. We should try and have a class for them twice a week or at least once a week. Do not make the classes too difficult for them. Have a light program for them with no examinations. As far as possible encourage them to come to the Masjid for Salaah. A similar class should be held for girls. Saturday mornings may be a good idea to have the classes for the high school girls. If the boys cannot attend the maktab, have the class for them on a week day after Maghrib or after Esha depending on the season.


Keep regular contact with the parents of the children. This will help tremendously in the ta’leem of our children. The Ulama should conduct house visits and encourage parents to teach their children at home. This will also give us an idea of the home background of these pupils and how we should interact with them at Madrasah. Females can phone the mothers and encourage them to teach their children. The message book or diary could be used to correspond with parents and explain what work needs to be done.


The Asaatizah of the Madrasah should try and maintain a ta’lluq with the ex-students of the maktab. Regularly, keep in contact with them. Visit them or at least phone them from time to time. Arrange youth programs with some activities and braai perhaps to draw them back to the madrasah. Once a year have an old boys / old girls program at the maktab and invite all the ex-students. Keep their phone numbers/e-mail addresses and regularly send articles/bayaans/clips to them.


The maktab is the life blood of our community. Every effort must be made to raise the standard of our makaatib. The preservation of the maktab system is in actual fact the preservation of Deen. All our Akaabir supported this service of Deen and encouraged that it must be established in every town and village. May Allah Ta’ala accept us all for the service and the khidmat of His Deen and may Allah Ta’ala be pleased with us. Aameen.

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2024-01-06T07:24:07+00:00January 5th, 2024|Categories: Articles|

Good Health

Please find attached article on “Good Health”

These advices have been extracted from Behishti Zewar (part 8) which was written by Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA).

Hadhrat was a Hakeem and had great knowledge on good health. That is besides the fact that he was also Hakeemul Ummat.

There are many pertinent advices that Hadhrat gives for maintaining good health.

May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with sihhat and aafiyat. Aameen.

2024-01-15T17:55:20+00:00December 19th, 2023|Categories: Articles|


Once again we have come to the end of our Madrasah year and everyone is awaiting the holidays. Children and parents look forward for these holidays to have a break from the busy lifestyles.

Whilst it is permitted in Islam to relax the mind and body, a Muslim shouldn’t become consumed by the holidays and forget Allah Ta’ala. Some people live for the holidays. They work the whole year just to have a holiday at the end of the year. For a Muslim, we understand that this life in the world is only temporary. We live for the hereafter. Our real holiday will be when we will enter into Jannah, Insha Allah.

When the holiday period comes, shaytaan and his agents work very hard to mislead the Muslims and take them away from Allah Ta’ala. Be very careful during this period not to fall into the trap of shaytaan and become unmindful of Allah Ta’ala.

The following are some important aspects to keep in mind during the holiday period:

A Muslim’s identity:

During the holiday period, many people remove their Islamic clothing and copy the dressing of the disbelievers. Ensure that we are all dressed like Muslims. Girls should wear loose clothing and keep their heads covered and boys must keep their pants above their ankles with their topees on their heads. Don’t feel shy to be a Muslim and dress like a Muslim. Remember that you are the Ummati of Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Don’t let our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) down.

Be punctual with salaah:

Don’t miss out your salaah. We generally become lazy and end up missing many salaah, especially the Fajr Salaah. A Muslim must never miss out even one salaah.

Qur-aan and Zikr:

Daily make a point of reading some Qur-aan Shareef and some zikr. This will bring noor and barkat in our life.

Immodest and Shameless Behaviour:

Shamelessness and immodesty during the December period is the order of the day. People dress immodestly and parade the beaches and shopping malls. Try your best to avoid such places as the curse of Allah Ta’ala descends on such places. If you have to be in a public place, guard yourself from anything wrong. Always keep your gaze lowered.

Be alert and conscious about eating Halaal:

There are many restaurants nowadays that claim to be halaal. Don’t be fooled by some Arabic sign you see on the outside of a restaurant. Be sure of the halaal status of what you eat.

2023-12-13T06:54:15+00:00December 13th, 2023|Categories: Articles|

Tarbiyat Series_Issue #1

Muhtaram Ulama / Muallimaat

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

May Allah Ta’ala accept our feeble efforts in imparting the knowledge of Deen to the children of the Ummah.

Together with ta’leem it is important for us to also make the tarbiyat of our pupils. Tarbiyat refers to correcting them, guiding them and making their islaah.

In this regard the Ta’limi Board (KZN) has received many requests from teachers to prepare some topics discussing important aspects of tarbiyat.

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Ta’ala the first edition has been prepared.

Topic: Speaking the truth and being honest.

It has been noticed that lies has become very common in Muslims. Truthfulness which was the hallmark of a Muslim has become very rare. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was known as As-Saadiq (The Truthful) Al-Ameen (The Honest).

Hence, let us try to the best of our ability to instill truthfulness and honesty in ourselves as well as the children in our classes.

This edition discusses some Ahaadith and important points on honesty which should be discussed with the children in our classes.

Insha Allah we hope in this way to pass on the wonderful teachings of Rasulullah (salallahu alayhi wasallam) to the Ummah and instill truthfulness and honesty in our own lives.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us all the taufeeq


2024-02-15T08:39:22+00:00October 17th, 2023|Categories: NOTICE BOARD, Tarbiyat Series|
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