The Lifeblood of the Community………… It is an indisputable fact that the Ummah is currently passing through a phase of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance). The global onslaught upon the Ummah is on many fronts. However, the most dangerous and unfortunately the most effective is the silent battle that is waged on the hearts and minds of our innocent children. The battle is waged with smiling faces, alluring fashions, deceptive articles and even “exciting” toys which leave subtle messages in the hearts of children. Eventually, Muslim children with Muslim names but western hearts and minds grow up without any spirit of Islam in their lives. Apart from a few practices which they perform in a ritualistic manner, their lives centre on materialism and chasing “fun.” The true purpose of our existence in this earth is then completely lost. Thus it is imperative that we recognise the harm of this battle that is being waged on the hearts and minds of the Ummah. Having recognised it, steps must be taken to safeguard ourselves and our children from the onslaught.

One of the most vital efforts in this regard is the effort of the Makaatib. It has become the means of stemming the tide of kufr in many parts of the world. Indeed, it is only by inculcating the awareness of Allah Ta’ala together with a sound knowledge of at least the fundamentals of Deen that will serve as a protection for our children.

In the current conditions of fitnah and fasaad (mischief and corruption), lack of Deeni knowledge, Taqwa and a general mindset of materialism, the role of the primary Madarasah, The Maktab has become more important and vital than ever before. In numerous countries of the world, and indeed in our own country, the Makaatib have become a means of saving the Imaan of thousands and reversing the tide of Irtidaad (reneging from Islam). It is not possible to fully appreciate the fundamental function that these Makaatib fulfill in watering the seeds of Imaan which will later flourish, Insha Allah.

Every parent should regard it as his/her incumbent duty to find a suitable maktab for their child to attend daily. Parents should be firm on sending their children to learn the Qur-aan as well as other basic tenets of Deen.

In this regard, the Jaimatul Ulama (KZN) is trying to the best of their ability to set up makaatib in every area thus making it easy for the Muslims in KZN to send their children to maktab daily. If you are finding difficulty for any reason finding a suitable madrasah for your child, please contact us on 031 9122 172 or via e-mail at <>

May Allah Ta’ala accept us, guide us, protect us and always be pleased with us. Aameen.