Valentine’s Day is a celebration called the celebration of love which was started by the Christians. As Muslims we should not participate in any Valentine Celebrations. We should not involve ourselves in anything to do with Valentine’s Day, like sending cards, presents, roses, etc., because we will be imitating the Christians. This is what Shaytaan wants from us. He wants us to behave like the Non-Muslims so that he can rob us of our Imaan.

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said, “Whoever imitates a nation will be raised amongst them on the Day of Qiyaamah.” What a severe warning for us! We must make sure that we do not celebrate or imitate any aspect of Valentine’s Day.
This is an un-Islamic celebration which unfortunately many Muslims are also participating in. Our children who attend Non-Muslim schools are also encouraged to give gifts and cards to the opposite gender. We should strongly discourage such activities as this will eventually lead to zina.

Allah Ta’ala has given Muslims certain days and occasions to celebrate like the days of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha. We should celebrate on these days.

May Allah Ta’ala keep us firm on our Deen and may He protect us from imitating the non-Muslims. Aameen.