Bismihi Ta’ala

Most Respected Mu’allim/ah

Please take note of the following guidelines that will insha Allah assist you in the forthcoming exam;

  1. Study the syllabus breakdown carefully and complete your syllabus well before the examination date.
  2. Draw up a revision program in all subjects for the pupils so that all necessary work can be revised thoroughly.
  3. Give the breakdown to each child in writing and explain to them how to revise their work.
  4. Contact the parents of the children in your class and ask them to assist in the revision program.
  5. Have the names of the pupils written down in alphabetical order in the mark sheet on both sides prior to the exams.
  6. Encourage the baaligh girls as well as those who are close to buloogh to wear purdah and attend madrasah, especially for the examination. (Better to have screen and the girls can sit behind the screen when the exams are taken).
  7. Those girls who are in their menses should be indicated with a star (*) on the mark sheet. They should not be embarrassed in front of the entire class. They will be tested in Duas and Hadith.
  8. Ensure that all pupils are present at the Madrasah at least 10 minutes before the examination commences.
  9. Write the exam dates on the board so that children are aware and are prepared for the examinations.
  10. Conduct a mock exam by asking your principal or co-teacher to examine your class and point out any weak areas.
  11. Have the Blue Progress Cards for each pupil filled in and ready for the examiner. Please erase all past years comments and symbols.
  12. Please make dua for the children in your class as well as for the entire Ummah.
  13. After the examinations the marks must be entered into the Mark Schedules. Please triple check to see that all additions, totals, percentages and averages are correctly calculated. The class Mu’allim/ahs is responsible for correct calculations. This form must be filled in and sent to the office for record keeping.