Preparations for the Maktab Exams

Preparations for the Maktab Exams

2023-05-15T18:46:10+00:00May 15th, 2023|Categories: NOTICE BOARD|
Muhtaram Moulana / Apa
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

Alhamdulillah we are now nearing the Half Yearly Exams.

May Allah make it easy for the learners, teachers and examiners.
All teachers are humbly requested to please prepare the children thoroughly for the oral and written exams.
Please take note of the following;
  1. The date of the oral and written exams must be written on the board.
  2. Please commence a revision program for the children in all subjects. Contact the parents to assist in this regard.
  3. Please fill in the names of the children on both sides of the marksheet.
  4. Please fill in the Blue progress cards and have them ready for the exams. Please erase all old marks and remarks from the progress card.
  5. Please ensure that the children come early on the day of the exams. Since the days are quite short and Maghrib is early it will be better for us to start the exams early.
May Allah accept our broken efforts and may He be pleased with us.

Was Salaam