When will Imaam Mahdi appear?

When will Imaam Mahdi appear?

2023-09-25T08:53:16+00:00September 25th, 2023|Categories: Aakaabir, Articles|

Once Moulana Ihtiramul Hasan Kandhlawi (RA) narrated:

Dr Abdul Carrim Saahib and myself were once discussing regarding the appearance of Imaam Mahdi. Doctor Saahib was of the opinion that he is to appear anytime now and I was insisting that there are certain signs mentioned in the Hadith that will appear before the appearance of Imaam Mahdi and those signs have not yet appeared. In order for Imaam Mahdi to make his appearance it is necessary to first witness those signs.

Thus, we went to Hadhrajee Moulana Inaamul Hasan Saahib (RA) to decide our matter. First Doctor Saahib explained his reasoning with proofs. Hadhratjee (RA) immediately broke all his proofs. When I heard this, I couldn’t contain my excitement because I felt that my case will now be strengthened.

But, I was totally dumbfounded when Hadhratjee (RA) broke all my proofs as well.

We both were now sitting silently when Hadhratjee (RA) said to us, “Bhai! Continue with the work you have been appointed to do. When the time is right for Imaam Mahdi to come he will come. What is the benefit in you wasting your valuable time in something that has not been entrusted to you?”

(Da’wat ki Baseerat aur uska fahm wa idraak – Page 187)

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