Muhtaram Ulama / Mu’allimaat

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Ta’ala we have commenced the last term of the Madrasah year. May Allah Ta’ala accept our broken efforts and crown them with success.

Please take note of the following;

  1. The Tuhfatul Banaat / Shabaab exams will be taking place on 16 October Insha Allah. Those maktabs which require the Tuhfa papers for the Grade 6 and 7 should please request it from their supervisor.
  2. The Final exam dates for the oral subjects will be emailed to you Insha Allah. The dates for the written exams are as follows;
    • Fiqh — 20 November
    • History — 27 November
    • Aqaaid — 02 December insha Allah
  1. Teachers are requested to complete the syllabus in all subjects and commence with thoroughrevision.
  2. Inform parents of the exams as well as the revision program and request them to assist their children with the revision at home and during the weekends.
  3. Those maktabs having jalsahs at the end of the year should set the dates for their respective jalsahs. Please ensure that not too much of time is spent in preparations for the jalsah. More time should be spent on doing revision for exams.

May Allah Ta’ala bless us in this last term and accept our efforts for His Deen. Aameen.

Was Salaam