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Hadhrat Talha bin Ubaidillah Radiallahu Anhu

Hadhrat Talha bin Ubaidillah radiallahu anhu, along with some experienced traders, had once set off for a trade journey to the land of Syria. When they reached the city of Busra, the traders rushed to the market place and began trading. Although Talha radiallahu anhu was the youngest and most inexperienced amongst them, he was gifted with intelligence and foresight which put him on an equal footing with the others. This trade journey was meant to be a life-changer for Talha radiallahu anhu and he narrates the following about this trade journey himself:

“Whilst at the market place, a Christian scholar called out to the people, “Oh traders, is there anyone here from the land of the Haram (Makkah)?” I was standing close-by so I rushed forward towards him and replied in the affirmative. He asked, “Has Ahmad bin Abdillah bin Abdil Muttalib appeared before you as a prophet? He is the final messenger and this is the month in which he is expected to appear. He will be commissioned as a Prophet in Makkah and thereafter migrate to the city of Madinah. I urge you to hasten towards him young man!”

The scholar’s words left an indelible impression on his heart. He mounted his camel and set-off for Makkah leaving behind his travelling companions. As soon as he reached home, He asked his family if anything unusual had taken place during his absence. They informed him that Muhammad bin Abdillah has claimed Prophethood and Ibnu Quhaafa (Abu Bakr) has become his follower.

Talha radiallahu anhu says, “I knew Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu very well. He was an easy-going lovable person. We were all attracted to him due to his extensive knowledge of the Quraishi tribes and their lineage. Together with this, he was also an honest trader who possessed sublime character. I set-off to meet him and make further enquiries regarding the Deen of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.”

Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu explained to him the beautiful and pure beliefs of Islam and encouraged him to accept the Deen of Islam. Talha radiallahu anhu then explained to Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu what had transpired in the land of the Shaam and the announcement of the Christian scholar. Together, they proceeded to Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and narrated the incident to him. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam presented Islam to Talha radiallahu anhu and recited a few verses from the Qur’aan Shareef. Allah Ta’ala opened the heart of Talha radiallahu anhu to Islam and he took the Shahaadat (accepted Islam).

The Islam of Talha radiallahu anhu struck like a bolt of lightning upon his family. The most grieved was his mother. At first his family tried to turn him away from Islam using love and kindness. However this did not deter him in the least. Hence they changed their approach to that of aggression and punishment. Mas’ood bin Kharaash says, “I was once walking between Safa and Marwa when I saw a youngster whose hands were tied to his neck. A large group of people were following him. Some were beating him on his back whilst others were striking him on his head. Behind them was an old woman screaming and swearing at him. Upon enquiry, I was told that this was Talha bin Ubaidillah and the old woman was his mother.”

Talha radiallahu anhu endured all the persecution patiently and his faith in Allah Ta’ala only increased with each passing day. Eventually he made hijrat (migrated) to Madinah Munawwarah on the command of Rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He participated alongside Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the all the battles which took place except the battle of Badr, as he was sent as a spy to check on the caravan of the Quraish. Therefore he was given a share from the spoils of Badr and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also gave him the glad-tidings of receiving the reward of those who participated.

He was known to be a mujahid (warrior) par excellence. In the battle of Uhud, he displayed extraordinary sacrifice and bravery whilst protecting the Nabi of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In the process of defending Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Talha radiallahu anhu suffered over 70 wounds to his body and one of his fingers became paralysed as well. Therefore Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu used to say that the day of Uhud belonged to Talha. He was also given the honourable title of ‘THE LIVING MATYR’.

On one occasion, Talha radiallahu anhu received 700 000 Dirhams from one of his business transactions. At night, he was restless and could not sleep. His wife sensed this and tried to ascertain the cause of his anxiety. He explained to her that how can he sleep when all this wealth is in his home. The next morning, he distributed all this wealth between the poor Muhajireen and Ansaar. This is just one incident of the many regarding his generosity which earned him the title of Talha Al- Khair (the possessor of goodness).

The most honourable and enviable virtue which Talha radiallahu anhu had was that he was from amongst those Sahaaba radiallahu anhum who were promised Jannah in one sitting by Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. These Sahaaba radiallahu anhum were known as the Ashara Mubashara (the 10 Sahaaba who were given the glad tidings of Jannah in this world). May Allah Ta’ala bless us with their companionship in the hereafter.

2023-05-15T18:24:21+00:00May 15th, 2023|Categories: Articles, Sahaaba|

Kitaabs used in the Syllabus

Muhtaram Ulama / Muallimaat

Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarkaatuhu

It is our fervent dua that you be well.

Please take note of which kitaabs to purchase for this year (2023) for your maktab. This timetable is according to the Ta’limi Board (KZN) syllabus.

The Half Year and Final exam papers will be set according to these kitaabs.

2023-05-15T18:34:02+00:00March 15th, 2023|Categories: NOTICE BOARD|

The Taraweeh of Hadhrat Moulana Yahya (RA)

Taken from Akaabir ka Ramdhaan of Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyya (rahmatullahi alayh)

Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyya (rahmatullahi alayh) has written the following about his father Moulana Yahya (rahmatullahi alayh).

My late father on many occasions mentioned to us the following story, “During the last Ramadhaan of Hadhrat Ml Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi (rahmatullahi alayh), I led the Taraaweeh Salaah for him and his attendants. It so happened that because of some reason or the other, Hadhrat’s son, Hakeem Mas’ood was unable to perform Taraaweeh.” For quite some days before the commencement of Ramadhaan Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) said, “Mas’ood Ahmad is reluctant and not able to lead the Taraaweeh Salaah. Who is going to recite the Qur-aan for us in Taraaweeh?” On every occasion, I wanted to offer my services and declare my readiness, but out of respect, I refrained from doing so. Two days before Ramadhaan Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) said, “Molvi Yahya Saheb! You are also a Haafiz of the Qur-aan?” I replied, “Yes Hadhrat, I am indeed. However, I recite the Quran in a Persian tone. You are used to hearing the recitation of Hakeem Mas’ood Ahmad Saheb, who is indeed a fine Qaari.” Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) replied, “No, I have already heard your recitation. You shall lead us in Taraaweeh.” My father says, “On the first day it was a great burden for me. By way of preparation, I had to recite one and a quarter para of the Qur-aan by looking into the Qur-aan. I had memorised the Qur-aan at the age of seven. Thereafter for six months, I had to look into the Qur-aan Shareef and daily recite one full khatam. Since then I have never looked into the Qur-aan to recite it. The first day, in order to prepare myself properly, I recited one and a quarter para from the Qur-aan, but from the second day onwards the fear, nervousness and anxiety disappeared. Thereafter there was no further need for me to look into the Qur-aan and read.”

My late father (May Allah fill his qabr with noor) was indeed a very good Haafiz with tremendous energy to recite the Qur-aan Shareef by heart. He had a bookshop where he himself made up the parcels to be posted and wrote the addresses himself. While doing that he was all the time reciting the Qur-aan Shareef in an audible fashion without ever becoming confused or struggling over the ‘mutashaabihaat’.

Moulana ‘Aashiq Ilaahi (rahmatullahi alayh) writes about him in Tazkiratul-e-Khaleel, “Once, upon my request he was invited to Meerut to lead the Taraaweeh Salaah and recite the Qur-aan Shareef in Ramadhaan. I saw that wherever he went, he was all the time busy reciting by himself so that he finished a whole khatam daily. When it was time for Iftaar, he was reading, “Qul a’oozu birabbin Naas…” When he arrived by rail at Meerut it was Esha time. Being a man who was continuously in a state of wudhu, he entered the Masjid and immediately proceeded to the musalla to lead the Salaah. In three hours, he recited ten paras clearly without any struggle in the difficult parts as if the Qur-aan Shareef was an open book in front of him. So comfortable was his pace of recitation, that he completed a full khatam of the Qur-aan in three nights and departed. So good a hafiz was he that there was no need to revise his reading beforehand neither was there any need for someone to stand behind him and listen with the intention to correct if needed.”

My father also used to say about this visit to Meerut, “When the word got around in Meerut that a certain man was coming to complete a full khatam of the Qur-aan in Salaah within three days, thirty or forty Huffaaz arrived from far and wide to stand behind him and test him.”

My late father never had trouble with fear in Ramadhaan like myself. On the invitations and insistence of friends, he often went to their places to finish a khatam in two or at the most three nights before returning home. In Masaajid, he generally did it in three nights and in other ibaadat-khanas he generally did so in two or even in one night. Once on the invitation of the late Shah Zaahid Husain he completed a khatam at Shah Saheb’s house in two nights.

I can still remember his recitation in the Nawab-wali Masjid in Delhi. Molvi Naseeruddin was busy performing Taraaweeh in the Hakeem Ishaq Masjid. At that time, my father arrived in Delhi from somewhere. He went to rest a little in the resting place of Hakeem Ishaq attached to the Masjid. It so happened that Molvi Naseeruddin was reciting the 14th para and he was making mistakes. He had to be corrected time and again. My father went into the Masjid and as soon as Molvi Naseeruddin made the next salaam, he asked him to move from the spot, and he himself took over. In the next sixteen rakaats he recited sixteen paras. No doubt, the musallis must have found it tiring and exhausting. However, it is a fact that people are more pleased with finishing the Qur-aan Shareef quickly than they are worried about a bit of hardship. To have been able to finish the Qur-aan on the 12th night made them forget their exhaustion.

I can also remember his recitation of the Qur-aan in the house of Ummi Bi in Kandhla. She is Amatur Rahmaan, the daughter of Moulana Muzaffar Hussain, my father’s Nani (maternal grandmother) who was known as Ummi Bi. In answer to her special request, he remained reciting the Qur-aan Shareef throughout the night in Nafl Salaah. Because of the fact, that according to the Hanafis it is not permissible to have more than four muqtadees in Nafl Salaah, the ladies behind him had to be changed continuously, while my father continued reciting.

My late uncle (Moulana Ilyaas rahmatullahi alayh) also used to visit Kandhla in Ramadhaan because of Ummi Bi. In those days, the Qur-aan khatam used to be completed in a single night. At those times, he performed Esha Salaah in the Masjid and thereafter go to the house of Ummi Bi to perform Taraaweeh there from after Esha until Sehri time, thereby completing fourteen or fifteen paras.

Maulana Raooful Hasan Saheb is the maamoo (maternal uncle) of my late father and the father of my late wife. On the 30th Ramadhaan he recited from Alif Laam Meem until Qul a’oozu bi rabbil falaq… in one single rakaat and in the second rakaat he recited only Surah Naas! Then at Sehri time, he told his mother, Ummi bi, “I have now performed two rakaats, will you now perform the other eighteen?” During that time, his mother listened to the Qur-aan Shareef whilst standing behind him in Salaah!

2023-03-07T14:17:25+00:00March 7th, 2023|Categories: Aakaabir, Articles|

The Ramadhaan of Hadhrat Moulana Khaleel Ahmad Sahaaranpuri رَحْمَةُ اللّٰهِ عَلَيْهِ

Taken from Akaabir ka Ramdhaan of Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyya (rahmatullahi alayh)

According to different times of the year, Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) used to get up about two or three hours before sehri. He had sehri about half an hour before the time for which he took about fifteen to twenty minutes. Thus, he finished about fifteen minutes before Fajar. It was his habit to recite two paras in Tahajjud Salaah. Sometimes it was a bit more and sometimes a bit less, according to the time available.

After Fajar
Throughout the year after the Fajr Salaah, it was his habit to sit in his place and recite various wazeefaas. In the cold days of winter he did so after entering into the privacy of his own room while during the hot days he sat on a bed in the courtyard of the Madrasah until sunrise. He would sit in deep meditation.

Then from sunrise onwards, he busied himself with his lecturing on Bukhaari Shareef and Tirmzi Shareef. After 1335 Hijri he busied himself at this time with the writing of Bazlul Majhood (a commentary on Abu Dawood Shareef) till one o’clock in the Summer and until 12 o’clock, in the winter. Thereafter he would rest until Zuhr Salaah.

There was no difference in the number of rakaats performed as nafl after Maghrib compared to the rest of the year. However, in the manner of his performance there was a definite difference. Generally, he recited one and a quarter paras in Awwaabeen Salaah and during Ramadhaan it was those paras which he was to recite in Taraaweeh later in the evening. After Awwaabeen Salaah, Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) used to return home to have his meal for which he took about twenty to twenty-five minutes, but he ate very little during this meal.

Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) himself always led the Taraaweeh Salaah until about two years before he passed away. It was his fixed habit to finish the khatam of the Qur-aan Shareef on the evening of the 29th of Ramadhaan. In the first four nights, he recited one and a quarter paras and thereafter one para per a night.

When Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh)’s age went beyond seventy, it became increasingly difficult for him to continue doing so. He used to say, “When I go into ruku’ the thought comes into my mind that perhaps I will not be able to rise up again for the second rakaat. Then I take the courage and with difficulty I come up. In this manner, I finally complete twenty rakaats, fearing in every rakaat that I may collapse and fall down, and feeling all the time that rising up from sajdah to the standing position is tantamount to climbing a mountain.”

Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyyah (rahmatullahi alayh) writes in Aap Beeti that, “On the boat en route to Hajj, Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) suffered such dizziness that he could hardly lift his head from the pillow. The same was the case with me in spite of my comparatively youthful age. Apart from that there was a considerable amount of vomiting also. The bad smells of the boat, especially when it was being filled with petrol (diesel) caused one to become dizzy, nauseous and induced vomiting.

On the 29th Sha’baan he told me: “Bhai, what is to become of Taraaweeh?” I replied: “Hadhrat, I will perhaps be able to bear the dizziness and the turning of my head, but what will happen if during the Salaah I should start vomiting?” He replied: “That is all right. If you should vomit, then just go and perform wudhu again.” The boat was a small one and used to roll about a lot. In spite of the rolling about, which made standing up quite an ordeal, and in spite of dizziness and extreme weakness and exhaustion, Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) performed Taraaweeh standing.

After Taraaweeh, Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) used to rest for about fifteen to twenty minutes while some attendants massaged his legs. At this time there used to be some general conversation regarding the Qur-aan Shareef.

For example, someone may have mistakenly corrected him from behind or it may be concerning something which might have happened during Taraaweeh. Some minutes used to be spent on this in a light-hearted manner.

After Taraaweeh and after resting for a while, he used to go home, where for fifteen to twenty minutes he talked to his family members. Some of the women of the area also used to arrive at this time, and he used to advise them for a short while. Thereafter he went to sleep for about two and a half to three hours.

Tilaawat of the Qur-aan
During the Mubaarak month of Ramadhaan, Hadhrat Moulana Khaleel Ahmad Sahaaranpuri (rahmatullahi alayh) used to recite Qur-aan Shareef from after Ishraaq until eleven o’clock. After Zuhr Salaah, Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) recited whatever he was to recite in Taraweeh that night to Hafiz Muhammad Hussain Ujrarwy. This was what Hafiz Saheb used to come to Saharanpur for.

Occasionally when for some reason or the other, Haafiz Saheb was absent and during his stay in Madinah Munawwarah, he used to make ‘dor’ with me (Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyyah rahmatullahi alayh). After my return from Hajj and it was a time when his work on Bazlul Majhood had also been completed, he developed the habit of daily reciting one para to his wife. It was this para, which he was to recite in Awwaabeen Salaah that night and in Taraaweeh.

Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) once said, “If my brain wishes, it may go and give in and if it wishes, it may stay working soundly, but under no circumstances shall the Word of Allah Ta’ala leave me.”

Apart from reading Qur-aan, the tasbeeh was always in his hands and his tongue all the time busy with zikr. If ever any of his mureeds had to ask something, he would reply to them.

Except for the last two or three years of his life when he had grown weak and was plagued by illness, I have never seen him not performing I’tikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadhaan.

2023-03-03T08:48:59+00:00March 3rd, 2023|Categories: Aakaabir, Articles|