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The 15th Night of Sha’baan (Laylatul Bara’ah)


Allah Ta’ala has afforded His servants certain selected opportunities whereby they may reap His infinite mercy and forgiveness. Some examples of these occasions are the month of Ramadhaan and Laylatul Qadr. The night of the 15th of Sha’baan is also one such opportunity.

Several Ahaadith explain the tremendous merit of this occasion. Amongst them is the fact that countless people are forgiven by Allah Ta’ala during this blessed night. It is due to this reason that it is called ‘The Night of Bara’ah’ (i.e. the night wherein judgment of salvation from Jahannam is passed). It is a special night in which the people of the earth are looked upon by special divine mercy.

Allah Ta’ala blesses us with this opportunity to prepare and cleanse ourselves before the blessed month of Ramadhaan arrives.

Virtues of this night

Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] said, ‘This is the middle night of Sha’baan. Allah Ta’ala looks upon His slaves in this night and forgives those who seek forgiveness and bestows His mercy upon those who make dua for mercy but leaves out those who have hatred (against a Muslim) as they were before, (and does not forgive them unless they free themselves from malice).

Hadhrat Aaisha (radiyallahu anha) has reported that Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] said, ‘This is the middle night of Sha’baan. Allah Ta’ala frees a large number of the people from the fire on this night, more than the number of the hair growing on the sheep of the tribe of Kalb.

The tribe of Kalb was a large tribe, the members of which owned many sheep. Therefore, the last sentence of the Hadith indicates the large number of people forgiven on this night by Allah Ta’ala.

The virtue of this night established from these Ahaadith is that from the very beginning of the night Allah Ta’ala turns with special mercy and attention towards the creation and forgives those who repent and seek forgiveness.

Every Muslim should therefore value this night. Turn towards Allah Ta’ala with sincere regret and shame over sins committed and make a promise never to return to sin again and seek forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala. Seek forgiveness for oneself and all Muslims, living and deceased. Have firm hope and determination in the heart that Allah Ta’ala will surely show mercy and forgiveness.


On this night, Allah Ta’ala descends to the first sky and announces, “Is there anyone seeking forgiveness that I may forgive him? Is there anyone seeking sustenance that I may grant it to him? Is there anyone in any difficulty that I may relieve him? These announcements continue till the time of Fajar.” [Ibnu Majah Page 99]

Those who are deprived

It is mentioned in a Hadith that on this night Allah Ta’ala does not cast a glance of mercy at a person who

  1. Associates partners with Him
  2. Who harbours hatred in his heart (against someone)
  3. Who cuts off family ties
  4. Who leaves his clothes hanging below his ankles
  5. Who disobeys his parents
  6. Who commits adultery
  7. Who commits murder
  8. Who has a habit of drinking wine.’ (Bayhaqi).

What should be done on this night?

In order to obtain maximum benefit from this auspicious night, one should allocate a specific portion of the night for solitude and ibaadah to Allah Ta’ala. Fervent dua and repentance should be a priority and make the sole intention of seeking Allah Ta’ala’s pleasure and reformation of the inner self. Other observances that may be practiced are:

  1. Salaah: Salaah is one of the most preferable acts to be performed during this night. There is no particular number of Raka’ats, but preferably it should not be less than eight. It is also advisable that each part of the Salaah like qiyaam (standing), ruku and sajdah should be longer than normal. Also try and recite as much Qiraat (Qur’an recitation) in salaah as possible.
  2. Tilaawah: The recitation of the Qur’an Shareef is another form of worship that is very beneficial on this night. After performing Salaah, or at any other time, one should recite as much of the Qur’an Shareef as possible.
  3. Zikr: Engage one’s tongue and heart in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala. One should also recite abundant durood upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Zikr can also be recited while walking, lying on the bed and during other hours of work or leisure.
  4. Dua: The best benefit one can draw from the blessings of this night is dua. Dua itself is a great form of worship, and Allah Ta’ala grants a reward for each dua that a person makes.

Women during menstruation who cannot perform Salaah, nor recite the Qur-aan Shareef, should engage in reciting any form of zikr, tasbeeh, durood and they can also ask of Allah Ta’ala for any of their needs in whatever language they wish. They can also recite the Arabic duas mentioned in the Qur-aan Shareef or in the Ahaadith with the intention of dua.

  1. Fasting: On the day immediately following the Night of Bara’ah, i.e. the 15th of Sha’baan, it is mustahab (advisable) to keep fast.

What happens on Laylatul Bara’ah

By: Shaikhul Hadeeth, Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi (RA)

The Malaaikah are issued instructions for the whole year on this one particular night of the year. They are assigned duties for the year and informed that such and such things have been decreed for such and such person.

Many a man is engrossed in sports and pastimes while, in the heavens above, orders have gone out for his arrest. It has been decreed that he will suffer death and no one can intercede with Allah Ta’ala, or appeal to Him, to change His decree! Nor can the decreed hour of a man’s death be delayed by even a minute! A Hadith reports Ibne Abbaas (radiyallahu anhu) as saying: ‘You will notice that a person is walking about in the bazaars, though his name has been recorded in the list of those who are destined to die in that year.” Abu Nadhrah (radiyallahu anhu) says: “On this night, the angels are assigned their duties for the whole year. Orders are issued about the means of welfare apportioned for the year, about the evils to be suffered, about the sustenance to be provided, about the people destined to die, about the afflictions and about the high or low prices of commodities.”

‘Ikramah (radiyallahu anhu) says, “On the middle night of Sha’ban (Laylatul Bara’ah), all the events decreed for the year are assigned to the angels. The lists of people destined to die, and of those who will perform Hajj during the year are handed over to the angels. No changes can be made to these lists’

According to another Hadith, Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] once said: “(On this night), the angels are given the names of people who are going to die during the year from one Sha’baan to the next, with the specific hours of death destined for each person. Many a man gets married in this world and a child is born to him while, in the heavens above, his name has been recorded in the list of the dead.”

Hadhrat Aaishah (radiyallahu anha) says: “Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] used to fast very frequently during Sha’baan, for it is in this month that a list is prepared of those who are destined to die during the year. And many a man is engaged in getting married while, in the heavens above, his name has been recorded among the dead; or, again, a man is preparing for Hajj while his name has been enlisted among the dead.”

Another Hadith reports that once Hadhrat Aaishah (radiyallahu anha) asked Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] why he fasted more frequently in the month of Sha’baan, to which he replied: “In this month, a record is made of those who are destined to die during the year and I wish that, when my name is recorded in the list of the dead, I should be fasting.”

A Hadith says that, every year, on the middle night of Sha’baan, Allah Ta’ala informs Izraeel (alayhis salaam), the Angel of Death, about all those who are destined to die during the year.

[Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat Page 653-654]

Important tips for this mubaarak night

  1. The Mubaarak night starts from Maghrib. Therefore one should commence whatever Ibaadat you can from the Maghrib Salaah.
  2. Perform the Esha and Fajar Salaah with Jamaat. It is mentioned in a Hadith that one who performs the Esha and Fajar Salaah with Jamaat earns the reward of staying awake the entire night in Ibaadat.
  3. Make as much Ibaadat as possible before going to sleep. Don’t allow shaytaan to deceive you saying that, “Go to sleep and wake up early for Tahajjud.” You may never wake up and the entire night will be lost.
  4. Shaytaan makes one very tired when engaging in Ibaadat. Hence to combat this, keep on changing from one Ibaadat to another. e.g. recite Qur-aan Shareef, thereafter make zikr, then do some kitaab reading, then read durood shareef, etc. and continue your Ibaadat in this manner.

The following are some of the Ibaadaat we can engage in on this mubaarak night;

  1. Recitation of Qur-aan
  2. Performing of Salaah (Tahajjud, Salaatut Taubah, Salaatush Shukar, Salaatul Hajaat, etc.)
  3. Performing of Salaatut Tasbeeh
  4. Istighfaar (at least 1000 times)
  5. Zikr of First kalimah, third kalimah, etc.
  6. Recitation of Durood Shareef
  7. Reading the Hizbul Azam or Munaajaat-e-Maqbool
  8. Collective ta’leem of Fazaail-e-Ramadhaan
  9. Teach your children their Qur-aan lessons.
  10. Engage in fervent dua.
  11. Do some collective ibaadat with your entire family e.g. zikr, durood shareef, ta’leem and dua. You may make the dua and the children in the home can say Aameen to the dua. May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with bara’ah (freedom) from the fire of Jahannam.
2021-03-22T18:28:47+00:00March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Articles|

Yassarnal Qur-aan Part 1 Audio by Page/Lesson

2021-03-09T07:02:09+00:00March 9th, 2021|Categories: Audio|

Advice for Parents

Respected Parent / Guardian

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

All praise is to Allah Ta’ala who has blessed us with Islaam and Imaan. May peace and salutations be in abundance upon our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Allah Ta’ala declares in the Holy Qur’aan: ”O You who believe! Save yourself and your family from the fire of Jahannum whose fuel is mankind and stones!”

In a Hadith Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, ”Each of you is a Shepherd and you will be questioned regarding your flock.”

From the above it is deduced that we as parents have been entrusted with a very important responsibility towards our children. Allah Ta’ala has gifted them to us as a trust. It is our duty to fulfil this trust to the best of our ability, otherwise Almighty Allah Ta’ala will take us to task in the Hereafter.

The most important need of our children is proper upbringing and sound Islamic knowledge. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, ”The seeking of Knowledge is Fardh (compulsory) on every Muslim.” The Knowledge of Deen will protect their Imaan in the temporary life of this world and will save them from the fire of Jahannum in the hereafter.

It is only through the knowledge of Deen that our children will be obedient to us, respect us and take care of us when we need them the most. If we neglect imparting Islamic Education to our children, we as parents will suffer the consequences the most.

In order to provide our children with good Islamic education and to give them a strong and firm basis for their Islaamic development, some Rules and Guidelines have been formulated. This will greatly assist us to improve the discipline and level of education in the Madrasah, Insha Allah.

2021-03-08T17:57:06+00:00March 8th, 2021|Categories: Articles|

Yassarnal Quraan Part 2 Audio by Page/Lesson

2021-03-09T07:02:05+00:00March 4th, 2021|Categories: Audio|


The Key Feature in a Teacher

Attendance and punctuality are the key features in any teacher, more so a teacher of the Qur-aan and Hadith. In order to produce excellent results in the classroom, a teacher has to imbibe the attribute of punctuality in his/her life. In fact, punctuality is the stepping stone towards success in any field.

Coming late to class regularly is a sign of irresponsibility and deprives one of the noor (light) of ilm. Remember that every child in the class is an amaanah and every minute of which you spend in the classroom is an amaanah. Every teacher will be questioned about these two aspects by Allah Ta’ala. When a parent has sent his child to your class, he has certain expectations from you as a teacher. Most definitely, no parent wants to see that his child’s educator is late for classes regularly. What kind of an example are we setting for our learners?

Furthermore, we, as teachers, are paid by our committees for the time we spend teaching. Remember that no amount of wealth can repay a teacher for his knowledge. In reality we are being paid for our time. How important then is it for a teacher to fulfil the proper time requirement? If a teacher is regularly late for classes, then what is he being paid for? Will that wealth which we are accepting at the end of the month be lawful for us or not? The Fuqaaha (Jurists) have mentioned in their books that if you have a bucket of pure clean water and a few drops of urine fall into that bucket, the little urine will contaminate the entire water. Similarly, the few minutes that we come late to class will contaminate our entire salary.

Our Akaabir (elders) were very particular in this regard. They would ensure that they would record the number of minutes they were late during the month and return that amount of salary to the madrasah, thus securing the barkat (blessings) in their earnings.

The following are some incidents regarding Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (RA) and the importance he gave towards being punctual for Madrasah.

Incident No. 1

Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Saahib (RA) was very particular about being on time for all his lessons. It was inconceivable that Hadhrat (RA) would be absent for any lesson. Whilst studying Bukhaari Shareef, he did not miss a single lesson from the beginning of the kitaab to the end. He did not miss even one Hadith from his asaatiza. Once, Hadhrat Sheikhul Hadeeth Saahib (RA) fell ill. Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (RA) wrote a letter to Hadhrat Sheikh (RA) seeking permission to visit, stating that by coming to Sahaaranpur from Deoband, he would be absent for one lesson only. Hadhrat Sheikhul Hadeeth Saahib (RA) replied, “One lesson is indeed very great. In my opinion, to miss out one Hadith by your ustaadh is a loss that can never be recouped.” Thus Hadhrat (RA) postponed the visit to his Sheikh.

Incident No. 2

Moulana Mufti Zaheerul Islaam (RA) mentions regarding Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Saahib’s punctuality as follows:

“I had joined Hadhrat (RA) in September 1956 and remained with him until April 1960. Thereafter, I began teaching at several institutions. But in all those years, I never saw Hadhrat (RA) change his routine in any way. Madrasah commenced at 6:30 am daily. Hadhrat (RA) would enter the classroom promptly at 6:00 am. Never did the changing of the seasons or any bonafide excuses affect his routine in any way. In 1365 AH, Hadhrat (RA) moved to Deoband. He ensured that even on his last day at the Madrasah he completed his time. If Hadhrat (RA) was delayed from class for a legitimate reason, or he had to speak to someone during class hours, or somebody came to ask a mas’alah, request duas, or if someone came to make mashwarah with him, he would calculate the number of minutes utilised for this purpose and would record it in his diary. It was his habit that whenever he went to receive his salary, he would take this diary with him. He would calculate the time in hours and days not spent for the madrasah. Thereafter, Hadhrat (RA) would repay that amount of his salary back to the madrasah, although this directive did not come from the authorities.

Madrasah classes ended at 11:00 am. All the asaatiza would leave their classrooms at this time but Hadhrat (RA) would remain in class until 1:00pm. Thereafter, he would have meals and rest for a while. Zuhr Salaah was at 3:00 pm and classes commenced again at 3:15 pm. Hadhrat (RA) would complete his Zuhr Sunnats and proceed straight to the classroom. He continued with lessons until someone informed him that salaah was about to commence. Asr was at 5:30 pm and he would only stop teaching at this time and join the salaah. He would never leave the classroom to relieve himself during lessons but would make all the necessary preparations beforehand. He would also never leave the class to fulfil any of his personal obligations during the madrasah time.

Hadhrat (RA) would make it a point to leave the first period free for those asaatiza who served as Imaams in the local masaajid or were living some distance away from the madrasah so that the lessons would not be delayed in any way. He always advised those asaatiza who were close to him to adhere strictly to the madrasah times and regard every minute as an amaanah. Hadhrat (RA) also wished that the pupils be punctual for their lessons.

Incident No. 3

Hadhrat Moulana Haamid Hasan (RA) was the father of Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (RA). In his old age he had fallen ill and many people were continuously coming to visit him. In spite of this, he continued teaching his students at home so that no harm is caused to their studies.

Incident No. 4

Hadhrat Sheikhul Hadeeth Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (RA) never missed lessons for any reason at all. Even when his uncle, Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas Saahib (RA), returned from Haj, he did not go to welcome him at the station, out of fear that he may be delayed for his lessons. Hadhrat Sheikh (RA) says, “I am extremely disturbed by those who cause harm to the students. Many years of my teaching career have passed yet I have never requested leave. Even whilst I was ill, I continued teaching. This was all done out of the fear that some disturbance and difficulty would be caused to the students.”


In essence, the key factor that brings the most amount of barkah in our ilm is istiqaamat (steadfastness). If we as asaatiza are weak in this regard, then what can we expect from our students? May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with the ability to fulfil this great amaanah in the way that will please Allah Ta’ala.  Aameen.

2021-03-01T17:38:50+00:00March 1st, 2021|Categories: Articles|

Rules of the Maktab

  2. Attendance and punctuality is of utmost importance as absenteeism and late coming seriously retard the pupil’s progress as lessons cannot be repeated for one child due to limited time.
  3. If due to serious illness or unforeseen circumstances your child does not attend Madrasah, please provide a doctor’s certificate or a signed note written by yourself explaining the cause of absence or you may personally come to the madrasah and explain the circumstances.
  4. Please avoid making any appointments or plan any journeys during Madrasah hours.
  5. Pupils will not be allowed to attend any ceremonies or any other functions or programmes during Madrasah hours.
  6. All sporting activities or extra curricular activities at school should be scheduled for the weekends or after Madrasah hours. Please advise the school authorities of your child’s Madrasah commitments.
  7. In case of an emergency, kindly explain your intentions to the Mu’allim/ah or principal before proceeding.
  8. To encourage attendance a special mark is allocated in the report for attendance and will be added to the final total.
  9. Madrasah commences at pm and terminates at pm
  11. Pupils should always be encouraged to dress Islaamically especially when attending Madrasah.
  12. Boys should wear kurtas and topees.
  13. Jeans and T-shirts will not be allowed.
  14. No wedge or mushroom haircuts will be allowed.
  15. Girls should be modestly dressed with cloaks and burkas.
  16. Girls must not wear jeans and tops under their cloaks or abaayas.
  17. Girls 10 years and older should be encouraged to wear purdah.
  18. Girls will not be allowed to wear any jewellery.


  1. Pupils should behave and show respect to the Mu’allim/ah, supervisor, trustees and any other officials of the Madrasah.
  2. Any form of bad behaviour, disrespect or rudeness will not be tolerated.
  3. Pupils will be disciplined for bad behaviour.
  4. If any un-Islamic or undesirable material is found in the possession of any pupil, it will be confiscated.
  5. No cell phones will be allowed during Madrasah hours.
  6. The principal or supervisor has the right to suspend or expel any pupil who violates any rule of the Madrasah.


  1. Parents should ensure that children revise their Qaidah / Qur’aan and other Madrasah lessons daily.
  2. Any homework given should be completed.
  3. Parents should ensure that their children practically implement their Islamic education and uphold their Islamic identity at home and elsewhere.
  4. Parents should encourage their children to perform their five daily salaah and they should also perform it themselves as an example.
  5. Duas and Sunnats should be practiced on their respective occasions, e.g. upon entering and leaving the toilet, eating, sleeping, etc. Our homes will Insha Allah be enlightened with the noor of the sunnah.
  6. Parents should protect their children from un-Islamic or harmful literature, activities or media.
  7. Parents are encouraged to communicate with the Mu’allim/ah, principal or supervisor in matters concerning their children.
  8. Any constructive criticism or suggestions should be addressed to the Talimi Board office.
    Telephone: 031 912 2172.
2021-02-22T18:39:37+00:00February 22nd, 2021|Categories: Articles|