
About bilal

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So far bilal has created 402 blog entries.

Grade Four Duas

58. When getting into a Vehicle

59. When the Vehicle Moves

60. When returning from a Journey

61. When Entering a Town or City

62. Dua-e-Qunoot

63. Dua after Witr Salaah

64. On Seeing the New Moon

65. Dua for Fasting

65. Alternate Dua for Fasting

66. When Breaking the Fast

67. When Eating elsewhere (1)

68. When eating elsewhere (2)

69. When eating the first Fruit of the Season

70. Dua when afflicted with some calamity


2020-04-06T19:33:22+00:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Teaching Aids Duas|

Grade Three Duas

2020-04-03T08:24:12+00:00April 3rd, 2020|Categories: Teaching Aids Duas|

Maktab via the Cell-Phone

Bismihi Ta’ala

Presently, due to the 21 day lockdown in South Africa, all schools and maktabs are closed. Children are not allowed to leave their homes to attend Madrasah. As a result of this no formal ta’leem is taking place in the maktabs.

Due to such circumstances, many maktabs, by the grace of Allah Ta’ala, are continuing with the daily maktab ta’leem with the usage of the mobile phone.

Daily sabak is prepared by the Ustaaz / Apa and sent out to the parents of the children. e.g.

Qur-aan Sabak  –  Page 8 – Aayat 5-7

Surahs –   Surah Kaafiroon and revision of Surah Naas

Duas – Durood Ebrahim and revision of Kalimah Tayyibah, Shahaadah and Tamjeed

Fiqh – 4 Faraaidh of wudhu

In this way daily sabak is sent out by the Ustaaz / Apa and the parents sit with the children and revise or teach them what is necessary. Once the child learns the sabak for the day, the parent then sends a message to the Ustaaz / Apa saying that the sabak is completed.

In this way, alhamdulillah despite the lockdown, Madrasah work is still continuing.

May Allah Ta’ala accept the dedicated efforts of all teachers and crown it with acceptance. Aameen.

2020-04-09T09:18:24+00:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Articles|

Duas Grade Zero / One

2020-04-01T08:58:55+00:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Teaching Aids Duas|