
Hadhrat ABU AL-DARDA Radiyallahu Anhu

Hadhrat ABU AL-DARDA Radiyallahu Anhu

Uwaymir bin Malik Al-Khazrajee radiyallahu anhu, famously known as Abu Darda, was the last person from his locality to accept Islam. From the moment he accepted Islam, he was filled with remorse for delaying in accepting the truth and therefore he made every effort to catch up in learning, practicing and propagating the beautiful Deen of Islam just like all the other noble companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

He immersed himself so much in the ibaadat of Allah Ta’ala that he felt business was an impediment in him acquiring the knowledge of Deen. He gave up business and dedicated himself entirely to the service of Islam. Someone once asked him the reason for this to which he responded, “Before accepting Islam, I was a merchant. After accepting Islam, I decided to combine business and worship, but I was unable to fulfil my duties as I would’ve liked. Therefore I left business and focussed on Ibaadat. By the one in who’s hands lies the soul of Abu Darda, I would not wish to have a shop by the door of the masjid where I could earn 300 Dinars daily if it meant me missing a single salaah!” He then turned to the questioner and said, “I’m not saying that Allah Ta’ala has prohibited trade, rather I long to be of those who are not distracted by buying and selling from the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala.” This is the effect of Imaan permeating deep into the recesses of the heart.

Hadhrat Abu Darda radiyallahu anhu did not only leave out trade; he renounced the world and its temptations completely. One bitterly cold night, he entertained some visitors with a simple meal. However, he did not provide them with any form of warm covering. One of them mustered up the courage and entered his room, after seeking permission, only to find that Abu Darda radiyallahu anhu and his wife only had a thin cloth to cover themselves which offered no protection against the cold. The man exclaimed to Abu Darda radiyallahu anhu, “I see that you are planning to spend the night in the same condition as us. Where on earth are your belongings?” Abu Darda radiyallahu anhu calmly replied, “We have another home where we send all the profits and gains as soon as we earn them. Had we kept any belongings in this house, we would have given them to you. There is a long difficult journey ahead towards that home, one who has a little load will be better off than the one who’s load is heavy. Therefore we wish to have an easy journey across. Do you understand?” he replied, “Yes I understand and may Allah Ta’ala recompense you with good.”

On one occasion, a youngster went to him seeking advice. Abu Darda radiyallahu anhu said to him, “O my beloved son, remember Allah in prosperity, He will remember you in adversity. O my beloved son, be a scholar, a teacher or an attentive listener and do not be from the ignorant ones, for you will perish. O my beloved son, let the Masjid be your home, for I have heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, “The masaajid is the abode for every Allah-fearing man.” Allah has guaranteed mercy and tranquility for those whose homes are the masaajid and the crossing of the siraat (bridge) becomes easy.”

When Abu Darda radiyallahu anhu  lay on his deathbed, his companions entered and asked him, “What do you lament?” He replied, “My sins.” They asked, “What do you hope for?” He replied, “The forgiveness of my Rabb.”

Thereafter he continued reciting the Kalimah until he passed away.

عن معاذ بن جبل، قال: قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: “من كان آخر كلامه لا إله إلا الله دخل الجنة”

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, “The one whose last words are لا إله إلا الله will enter Jannah.”

(Source: Stories from the lives of the Sahabah-Suwarum min hayyatis Sahaabah)


2023-02-04T08:00:06+00:00December 2nd, 2022|Categories: Articles, Sahaaba|

Guidelines for Madrasah Jalsahs

The purpose and object of a jalsahh is to;

  • Please Allah Ta’ala
  • Motivate the pupils by allowing them to participate and giving them prizes for outstanding achievements.
  • Pass on some message of Deen to the parents and others who will be attending the madrasah jalsah.

Below are a few guidelines for those having Jalsahhs

  1. Jalsahhs should not resemble school concerts and fashion shows. Don’t be extravagant in preparing for the jalsahh. No money must be spent on stage decor, props, costumes and other wasteful aspects. The jalsahh is a platform to give a message of Deen. By wasting money on these items a totally wrong message will be given.
  2. Jalsah preparations should not impact on Madrasah times. Jalsah preparations should take place on Friday afternoons for 15 minutes and children should be called on Saturday mornings to prepare for the jalsah. Besides these two times, no other madrasah times must be used for jalsah prep.
  3. Nazams must not have back ground music and resemble the tunes and lyrics of English and Hindi songs. The meanings of the naaths should be checked by some learned aalim that it does not contain any words of shirk or kufr, etc.
  4. Dialogues maybe prepared which have a good message. No plays and dramas to take place in the jalsah.
  5. Be very careful about intermingling of sexes. [preferably have a mothers only jalsah]
  6. Baaligh boys should not be made to participate in the jalsah. They may participate in a jalsah that is especially for fathers.
  7. Prizes given to pupils should be motivating and educational. Carefully select the prizes for the pupils.
  8. Pupils should not be made to go out and collect funds for the jalsahs.

NB: The jalsah is not a concert or something to entertain the pupils and parents. A few days before the jalsah get all the children to also join the asaatizah to make dua that the jalsah should be a means of hidaayat for all.

2022-11-23T04:41:45+00:00November 23rd, 2022|Categories: Articles, Guidelines|

Hadhrat Sa’d bin Muaaz Al-Ansaari radiyallahu anhu

Hadhrat Sa’d bin Muaaz Al-Ansaari radiyallahu anhu is amongst the many stalwarts of Islam, who sacrificed their time, youth, wealth and life for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble cause. He hailed from the famous city, Yathrib (Madinah Munawwarah) and was a man of great dignity and honour. He was the leader of the Aws tribe and was well known for his courage, bravery, hospitality and self-sacrifice.

Prior to the coming of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Arabs in Madinah Munawwarah like the Makkans worshipped idols and made Sajdah (prostrated) before them. They would carve idols with their own hands and then believed them to be their gods. Centuries had passed in this way and they remained steeped in idol worship. The people of Yathrib (Madinah Munawwarah) heard that a prophet has appeared in Makkah and is propagating a new religion. They were shocked to hear this news. “What new religion is this?” they asked each other.

After some time, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent a young Sahaabi to Madinah by the name of Mus’ab bin Umair radiyallahu anhu. He stayed at the home of As’ad bin Zurarah radiyallahu anhu. Here, he began the work of da’wat and tableegh, inviting people towards Islam. People were attracted to his talks and were wonderstruck by his beautiful recitation of the Qur-aan Shareef. “This is not the words of any man” they exclaimed. Once, a young leader of the Ansaar, Usaid bin Hudair, heard the sermon of Musab bin Umair radiyallahu anhu. He was so affected by the beautiful recitation of the Qur-aan Shareef that he immediately accepted Islam. Upon accepting Islam, he felt it is his obligation to invite others into Islam as well. His eyes were set on his close friend Sa’d bin Muaaz. “If S’ad embraces Islam” he said, “every member of the Aws tribe will accept Islam.”

Usaid bin Hudhair radiyallahu anhu set out to meet his friend Sa’d and related to him all that he had heard from Musab bin Umair radiyallahu anhu. “Why don’t you go and listen to his talks? I did not find anything objectionable in his words” said Usaid. When Sa’d heard this news, he flew into a rage. Wielding his sword, he set out towards the home of As’ad bin Zurarah radiyallahu anhu (the host of Hadhrat Mus’ab radiyallahu anhu). As he reached As’ad’s home S’ad shouted, “If it were not that you are related to me, I would have finished you off with this sword. Have you brought this man here to deceive our people?”

On seeing Sa’d’s fury, Mus’ab radiyallahu anhu retorted, “S’ad! Is it possible for you to sit down and listen to me for a few moments? If you like what you hear you may accept it otherwise you are free to do as you please.” “Okay,” replied S’ad, “That is rather fair.” Saying this, he sat down. Mus‘ab radiyallahu anhu presented the truth of Islam before him and he recited a few verses of the Qur-aan Shareef to him. He barely heard the verses of the Qur-aan Shareef when the colour of his face changed. He immediately pleaded to Musab radiyallahu anhu, “How do I enter into this religion?” Mus‘ab radiyallahu anhu replied: “Firstly, you should cleanse your clothing and take a bath. Recite the Kalimah Shahaadah and perform two Rakaats of Salaah.” Without any delay, S’ad got up, took a bath, recited the Kalimah Shahaadah and performed two Rakaats of Salaah. He now, headed towards his people. As they saw him coming from a distance, they realized that something had happened. There was something different about him. When he reached their gathering, S’ad radiyallahu anhu addressed them saying: “What do you people think of me?” In one voice they all shouted: “You are our leader. As far as your discretion and advice is concerned, you are the best amongst us.” S’ad radiyallahu anhu said: “By Allah! I will never speak to any of you until everyone of you believes in Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool sallallahu alayhi wasallam.” Before nightfall, not a single man or woman of the Banu ‘Abdul-Ashal tribe were left without embracing Islam. This incident was the most memorable event in spreading Islam. There is no Sahaabi that is equal to Sa’d bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu in this virtue.

After accepting Islam, there was nothing more beloved to Sa’d radiyallahu anhu than Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Islam became so beloved to him that even if his best friends spoke ill of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam he was prepared to wage war against them.

Umayyah bin Khalaf,[1] the cruel master of Hadhrat Bilal radiyallahu anhu was a close friend of Sa’d bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu. When Umayyah would travel to Syria on business, he would stay over in Madinah Munawwarah at the residence of S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu and when S’ad radiyallahu anhu would come to Makkah Mukarramah, he would stay over at Umayyah’s house. On one occasion, after the Hijrah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu decided to perform Umrah. He came to Makkah Mukarramah and as was his previous arrangement, stayed over at Umayyah’s place. As he settled down, S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu requested Umayyah to take him to the Haram Shareef for Tawaaf at a time when the Haram Shareef was quiet. Umayyah took S’ad radiyallahu anhu to the Haram Shareef during the early afternoon. Whilst he was making Tawaaf, Abu Jahal appeared before them demanding: “O Abu Safwaan! (This was the title of Umayyah) Who is this person with you?” “This is S’ad,” replied Umayyah. Abu Jahal snapped: “I see that he is performing Tawaaf with such ease and comfort. Why do you provide assistance and refuge to such irreligious people?” Addressing S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu, Abu Jahal warned: “S’ad! I swear by Allah, that if Abu Safwaan (Umayyah) was not with you, you would not have returned safely from here.” S’ad radiyallahu anhu retorted: “If you prevent me from performing Tawaaf, by Allah, I will ensure that your access to Syria through Madinah is stopped.” When Umayyah heard this he said to S’ad radiyallahu anhu: “Do not raise your voice before Abul Hakam (Abu Jahal). He is the chief of this valley.” Furiously, S’ad radiyallahu anhu turned to Umayyah and retorted: “Umayyah! Let it be. I have heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam predicting that you would be slain at the hands of his companions.” Umayyah began shivering with fright. He anxiously asked: “Will I be killed in Makkah?” S’ad I replied: “I have no idea of the exact location where you will be put to death but this is what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said about you.” On hearing this, Umayyah was flung into an overwhelming state of panic and anxiety. He hastened to his wife Umm-e-Safwaan and narrated the entire incident to her. Since that day Umayyah was always uneasy and restless. Every moment he feared death. Eventually, he was killed in Badr by the Sahaabah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Hadhrat Sa’d bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu spent his entire life in the service of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. At every occasion he showed his allegiance to Islam and stood up for the protection of Deen. On the occasion of Badr he stood out amongst others and showed his deep love for Rasuluallah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum) were not prepared for battle when they left Madinah Munawwarah. They had come out to attack the caravan of Abu Sufyaan which was passing Madinah. One or two days into the journey, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was informed about the departure of the Quraysh from Makkah and requested the Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum) to prepare for imminent battle. The Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum) were not ready for battle. Some of them were initially hesitant (because they did not leave home with the intention of engaging in hostilities). Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was very concerned. He called up a mashwarah with the Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum and addressed them saying, “O people! What is your opinion in this regard? Give me your Mashwarah.”

On this occasion Hadhrat S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu promptly understood what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam meant. He instantly submitted: “O Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam! Perhaps your speech is directed to the Ansaar?” Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam replied in the affirmative.  Upon this, Hadhrat S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu passionately declared:

“O Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam! We affirmed our Imaan in you, we believe in you, we bear testimony to the fact that whatever you came with is the truth and upon this we had wholeheartedly pledged our absolute submission. O Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam! Perhaps you emerged from Madinah with a specific purpose but Allah Ta’ala has brought about something else. Proceed as you deem fit. You may maintain ties with whom you wish and you may sever ties with whomsoever you wish. You may enter into a peace agreement with whom you wish and you may engage in battle with whom you wish. We are with you all the way. You may take from our wealth whatever you please and you may bestow upon us whatever you please. Whatever you take from our wealth would be dearer to us than what you would leave behind, and whatever you command us to do, we will unquestionably abide by it. If you instruct us to set off for Barkul-Ghamaad with you, we will eagerly accompany you. I swear by the Being Who has sent you with the truth, if you instruct us to leap into the ocean we would eagerly hurl ourselves into it and none of us would be left behind. We do not detest confronting the enemy. Yes, during the heat of battle we are tolerant and we are committed to meet the enemy head-on. We hope Allah Ta’ala will give us the ability to do something that would bring about the coolness of your eyes. So, in the name of Allah, take us along with you.”

Nabi  sallallahu alayhi wasallam was most pleased on hearing the speech of Sa’d bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu. Upon setting the army in their positions, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam handed the flag of the Aws to Hadhrat S’ad bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu. During the preparations for the Battle of Badr, Hadhrat S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu stood guard at the door of the hut of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, wielding his sword. He spent the entire night outside the hut guarding Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

There is another incident mentioned in the books of History that shows the big heartedness of Hadhrat Sad bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu and the Ansaar of Madinah. When the spoils of war arrived from the Banu Nadheer, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam decided to distribute the entire share to the Muhaajireen. The reason for this was that the Ansaar were looking after all the needs of the Muhajireen. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to lessen the burden of the Ansaar and make the Muahjireen independent from the Ansaar. The Ansaar, due to their sincerity and selflessness, did not regard this as a burden but rather as a source of coolness to their eyes. Nonetheless, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam summoned the Ansaar and formally addressed them. In this address, after praising Allah Ta’ala, he paid tribute to the sacrifices of the Ansaar and their good conduct to their fellow brethren, the Muhaajireen. He then said: “O people of the Ansaar! If you wish, I am prepared to distribute the wealth of the Banu Nadheer equally between you and the Muhaajireen and they will continue sharing your wealth as they did in the past or if you wish, I will distribute it solely amongst the Muhaajireen. They will then leave your homes and sustain themselves.” S’ad bin ‘Ubaadah radiyallahu anhu and S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu, the leaders of the Ansaar immediately submitted: “O Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam! We would be delighted if you distribute this wealth amongst the Muhaajireen only. They are still at liberty to live in our homes and partake of our meals as they did in the past.”

In the battle of Khandaq, he was struck on his neck with an arrow and as the blood gushed from his wound, he made the following dua:

“O Allah! If this battle with the Quraysh is bound to last (for some time) then allow me to live as I have no yearning greater than to fight those who put Your Messenger through such hardship, falsified him and evicted him from the Haram Shareef. O Allah! If this is the end of the war, make this injury a source of my martyrdom and do not take my life until I am able to cool my eyes with the humiliation of the Banu Qurayzah [2].”

Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam had barely removed his armour after the battle of Khandaq, when Hadhrat Jibraaeel alayis salaam commanded him to head towards the Banu Quraizah. The Aws Tribe were allies of the Banu Qurayzah. They pleaded with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, “O Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam! Just as you dealt with the people of Banu Nadheer on the request of their allies, the Khazraj, we the Aws, implore you to deal with our allies, the Banu Qurayzah in a like manner.” Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam replied: “Would you not be pleased if a man from amongst yourselves makes a decision in this regard?” “Surely,” they replied, “We would be pleased with the decision made by S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu.” When Hadhrat S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu was wounded in the battle of Khandaq (the trench), Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam erected a tent for him in the Masjid so that he could visit him often. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent someone to fetch him. He mounted a donkey. As he drew closer, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to the Aws tribe: “Stand up in honour of your leader.” When he dismounted, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “with regard to the Banu Qurayzah, these people have consigned the decision-making over to you.” S’ad bin Mu’aaz radiyallahu anhu replied: “My decision is as follows: “Their combatants i.e. their men should be executed and their women and children should be taken as slaves. Furthermore, all their wealth and possessions should be distributed amongst the Muslims.” To this, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam remarked: “Certainly you have passed judgement according to the divine commandment of Allah Ta’ala.”

Thereafter, Hadhrat S’ad radiyallahu anhu made the following dua:

“O Allah! You are well aware that nothing is dearer to me than waging Jihaad against the people who falsified Your Messenger and banished him from the Haram. O Allah! It appears to me that You have now terminated war between us and them. If we are still destined to go to war with the Quraysh, allow me to live and wage Jihaad against them in Your path and if You have decreed to end jihaad against them, then cause this wound to gush forth and make it a source of my martyrdom.”

After this incident Sa’d radiyallahu anhu lived for just a few days. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam himself had treated his wound in order to stop the bleeding. One day this wound began to ooze. The blood flowed with such force that from the Masjid it reached the Banu Ghifaar tribe. The Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum were extremely worried on being told that the wound of S’ad radiyallahu anhu burst open. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam was also informed. He hurried to the Masjid. upon reaching the Masjid, He found that S’ad radiyallahu anhu had passed away. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam placed S’ad radiyallahu anhu on his lap with the blood still flowing from his wound. People gathered around him. From the tent, the wailing of his respected mother was heard. When Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam heard this he said, “Every lady that laments is a liar except for the mother of S’ad radiyallahu anhu”

When his Janazah departed, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, “In this Janaazah 70 000 angels have joined in. “When his janaazah was raised, the hypocrites ridiculed him, saying, “This Janaazah is so light.” (The hypocrites were not pleased with his decision regarding the Banu Quraizah.) Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam retorted, “The lightness of his janaazah is due to the fact that the angels in large number are carrying his janaazah.” After the burial, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam returned extremely grieved. His Mubaarak face was in his hands and tears were continuously flowing from his mubaarak eyes. The death of Hadhrat S’ad bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu was a great loss for the Muslims. The services he had rendered to Islam had given him the title of “The Siddiq-e-Akbar of the Ansaar.”

Hadhrat Jaabir radiyallahu anhu narrates that he heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam saying: “The throne of Allah Ta’ala shuddered at the death of S’ad bin Mu’aaz.” According to another narration, “All the doors of Jannah were opened for him, and the angels of the skies were delighted with the ascension of his soul”.

An Ansaari composed the following piece of poetry on this occassion:

وَمَا اهْتَزَّ عَرْشُ اللّٰهِ مِنْ مَوْتِ هَالِكٍ سَمِعْنَا بِهِ اِلَّا لِسَعْدٍ اَبِيْ عَمْرٍو

“We have not heard of the throne of Allah shudder upon the death of anyone, except for the death of Abu ‘Amr S’ad bin Mu’aaz.”

His grave would emit the fragrance of musk and Allah Ta’ala knows best. He was laid to rest in Jannatul Baqee, the graveyard of Madinah Munawwarah. Upto this day the grave of Sa’d bin Muaaz radiyallahu anhu is marked in Jannatul Baqee.

Once, somebody sent a silken cloth to Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum were surprised at it’s softness. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, “You are impressed by it’s softness, In Jannat, the cloth of S’ad radiyallahu anhu is softer than this.”

These are the noble Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum), the companions of Rasulaullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam who sacrificed everything they had, including their lives for Allah Ta’ala, Rasulaullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and His noble Deen. As Muslims, we should love and respect every Sahaabi and try our best to emulate them. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the taufeeq (ability) to be like them.

[1] Umayyah bin Kahalaf was an arch enemy of Islam. He was the person responsible for persecuting Hadhrat Bilal I when he accepted islam.

[2] The Banu Qurayzah was a Jewish tribe who were allies of the Aws. They caused untold difficulties and hardships to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

2023-02-04T08:00:34+00:00November 11th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Sahaaba|

Examination Guidelines for Teachers

Bismihi Ta’ala

Most Respected Mu’allim/ah

Please take note of the following guidelines that will insha Allah assist you in the forthcoming exam;

  1. Study the syllabus breakdown carefully and complete your syllabus well before the examination date.
  2. Draw up a revision program in all subjects for the pupils so that all necessary work can be revised thoroughly.
  3. Give the breakdown to each child in writing and explain to them how to revise their work.
  4. Contact the parents of the children in your class and ask them to assist in the revision program.
  5. Have the names of the pupils written down in alphabetical order in the mark sheet on both sides prior to the exams.
  6. Encourage the baaligh girls as well as those who are close to buloogh to wear purdah and attend madrasah, especially for the examination. (Better to have screen and the girls can sit behind the screen when the exams are taken).
  7. Those girls who are in their menses should be indicated with a star (*) on the mark sheet. They should not be embarrassed in front of the entire class. They will be tested in Duas and Hadith.
  8. Ensure that all pupils are present at the Madrasah at least 10 minutes before the examination commences.
  9. Write the exam dates on the board so that children are aware and are prepared for the examinations.
  10. Conduct a mock exam by asking your principal or co-teacher to examine your class and point out any weak areas.
  11. Have the Blue Progress Cards for each pupil filled in and ready for the examiner. Please erase all past years comments and symbols.
  12. Please make dua for the children in your class as well as for the entire Ummah.
  13. After the examinations the marks must be entered into the Mark Schedules. Please triple check to see that all additions, totals, percentages and averages are correctly calculated. The class Mu’allim/ahs is responsible for correct calculations. This form must be filled in and sent to the office for record keeping.
2022-11-23T04:43:44+00:00November 1st, 2022|Categories: Articles, Guidelines|

What does a maktab Apa need to know in order for her to qualify to teach children in a maktab?

Question: What does a maktab Apa need to know in order for her to qualify to teach children in a maktab?

Answer: A maktab Apa does not need to be a qualified Aalimah.

However, she will require to at least have the basic Deeni knowledge which is as follows:

  1. How to recite the Qur-aan Shareef fluently with Tajweed.
  2. Hifz of all the Surahs from Surah Duha to Surah Naas as well as Surah Yaaseen and Surah Mulk.
  3. Memorise the dua kitaab
  4. Have good knowledge of Fiqh, Aqaaid and History
  5. She must know how to make wudhu, ghusal and Salaah correctly
  6. Basically she must know the entire maktab syllabus

Together with the above she must also have knowledge of the following;

  1. How to teach Qur-aan, Surahs and duas
  2. How to teach Practical wudhu and Salaah
  3. How to teach Fiqh, Aqaaid and History
  4. How to manage a classroom
  5. How to manage little children
  6. How to manage admin records like a register, planner, etc.

For this she should attend a teacher training program or spend at least two-three months in the classroom with a qualified experienced Apa.

She should also have the qualities of taqwa, ikhlaas and honesty. Her piety and righteousness is what will rub off on the children and make them practice Deen Insha Allah.

And Allah knows best

Ta’limi Board (KZN)

2022-09-10T05:20:27+00:00September 10th, 2022|Categories: Articles|

Teaching methods of an experienced Muallimah in Phoenix – Grade 6, 7 and 8


I have noted down a few points and ideas which I have implemented and used over the years of teaching which alhamdulillah has worked very well for me and I have achieved the desired results. I teach the grades 6, 7 and 8 girls. I hope Insha Allah these notes can be of benefit for other Apas as well.

Qur-aan and Tajweed
Firstly, when I get my class at the beginning of the year, on the first, I do the proper pronunciation of all the Arabic alphabets with the correct Makhaaarij. I explain to them the importance of Tajweed and write the following examples on the board to illustrate the difference in the meaning just by reading 1 letter incorrectly:

اَللّٰهُمَّ طَهِّرْ قَلْبِيْ

O Allah purify my heart

So just by reading ك instead of ق you are actually saying كلبي) O Allah purify my dog)

وَ اللّٰهُ سَمِيْعٌ عَلِيْمٌ

And Allah is All hearing All knowing

by saying اليمwith an Alif instead of ع it means painful. So you are actually saying Allah is All hearing, painful. (Na’oozhu billah).

By then the girls are already so shocked and some are laughing at the first example. So Alhamdulillah the point is understood that we need to be reading every letter correctly otherwise it will change the meaning of the Quraan. In January when we do Quraan sabaq I only do 3 lines sabaq for the month of January. I teach the sabaq to them on the board with all the markings. That is so that the girls get used to reading correctly, with proper makhaarij and so that the fluency comes right and they are not stopping after every 2/3 words. Once they get used to how I want them to read, their sabaq increases individually according to their reading. I correct every single mistake each pupil makes. Even if it’s 10 mistakes. Don’t overlook even the smallest mistake. By setting this trend the students know exactly how you want your work. You have to set your standard of work from day 1. You can’t start off being lenient with tajweed and then afterwards try to get them to start reading with tajweed. The most common mistakes I find when they read Quraan are the open and closed letters and Tashdeed. All concepts are shown on the board. Any mistake the child makes is shown on the board with the correct and incorrect version so they can physically see and understand what they are reading and what it was supposed to be read as. I teach every concept of tajweed for a week. If I need 2 weeks we do it over 2 weeks e.g. Ikhfaa letters. For example, if we are doing full mouth letters this week, only full mouth letters is done from Monday to Friday. The girls must say it to me every single day whenever they get a chance. They have a tajweed book where they find 2 examples each and write it down. Then next week the tongue letters. Then ghunna and so on.

If the girls read any tajweed rule that we have already done incorrectly, then I do not tell them the correct answer. They must go to the tajweed corner where the rules of tajweed charts are in the class or open their tajweed books, find it and tell me the rule. In this way they are not being spoon fed, but rather finding the answer for themselves. Learners in grade 6 must get tested their Quran sabaq by a grade 7 or 8 learner before coming to me for testing. All sabaqs must be marked otherwise I will not test them their sabaq. Learners are constantly reminded to read clearly, slowly and open their mouths and read loudly. Many of them don’t open their mouths and read clearly so they have to be constantly reminded.

When I enter the class I write all the work that needs to be tested for the day on the board. After 1 or 2 months the girls know exactly how its done and they write it on the board themselves. This saves time and disruption in the class where each student who comes in doesn’t have to ask me: “Apa what are we doing for suras, duas or Fiqh etc…?” When they enter the class, they can find everything to do on the board and come for whatever they are ready with, but they must complete whatever work is on the board. Due to having a big class and multiple grades you have to multi test as well. So someone comes for Quraan on my right, then another child to my left for duas, or surahs or hadith etc. At other times they test their partners as well. Lots and lots and loads of praises, ‘Masha Allah’ and ‘I really love how you read today’ ‘I really enjoyed listening to your beautiful recitation.’ Its surprising how excited and over the moon they get just to be told Masha Allah. They were extremely happy and excited when the examiner who took their exams told them Masha Allah on their exam day. They can’t get over that and told me over and over that the examiner actually told us we read so well Masha Allah. Kids love to hear they are improving. So even if they not reading too well I tell them Masha Allah and tell them they are doing great and they have improved, and they need to keep it up and I explain to them what they need to focus on and where their weaknesses are. They all have partners in the class. So before getting tested any subject they get tested by their partner before coming to me. 98% don’t learn at home. I have come to terms with that and accepted that. So I do give them time in class to learn. I tell them that if they didn’t learn or go over their work, they must please learn in class before coming to me so they don’t have to get shouting. Bigger girls don’t want you to complain to their parents regarding their slow progress. I only do it in extreme cases.

Surahs / Duas / Hadith
While testing Suras, Duas, Hadith or written subjects, if they make a mistake I do not tell the correct answer. They must look inside themselves and read it from the kitaab. I find it works better as they remember their mistakes in future. Revision is done throughout the year for all subjects. So exam time no one is stressing as all past year surahs, duas and Hadith is done continuously. 99 names of Allah is done every single day.

One round of revision is done every single week as follows
Mon: Surahs grade R/1 and 2
Wed :Surahs grade 3/ 4 and Sura Duha of gr 5
SURA YASEEN is done every day Monday to Thurs from the beginning of the current ruku and revision of 1
previous ruku. They get 1 aayah of sabaq every day even though its not a surah day.
Mon: Ruku 1 plus the ruku of current sabaq
Tues: Ruku 2 plus the ruku of current sabaq
Wed: Ruku 3 plus the ruku of current sabaq
Thurs: Ruku 4 plus ruku of current sabaq
Ruku 5 gets done every day
The same with Surah Mulk
1 p.g. per day revision plus current sabaq page.
TUES: revision of gr 1/2/3 plus 6 (current grade)
THURS: Revision of gr 4/5 plus 6 (current grade)
WED: ONLY Hadith gr 6 or 7 with lessons
Alhamdulillah our dedicated Apas of the previous grades are also doing a wonderful job teaching and
laying the foundation for us in the bigger grades.

On Fridays I only do Quraan sabaq, the 1 aayah of Surah Yaaseen or Mulk and Tuhfatul Banaat. I give the girls time after that to just take a break and relax as they work very hard during the week. They look forward to that. So we talk together as a class about whats happening in school and challenges they face. Sometimes I make popcorn, pancakes, pizza, cakes, dessert, chips, etc. for them and while eating we play a sunnats game. We have to say the different sunnats without repeating what was already said. That is like their weekly incentive which they look forward to. Any pupil who didn’t finish any work during the week will have to catch up on a Friday during play time. (Which they obviously try to avoid)

Before they leave madrasah to go home I tell them I love you all and I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow. I also give them a hug. They must know that you enjoy having them around and you love teaching them. They love that. Many of them come from broken homes or have lost their parents. They crave love and attention.

Dua to Allah Ta’ala
After salaah when we all make dua, we say;
Also not forgetting always make dua for them. Take their names. Read 2 rakaat saalah and ask Allah Ta’ala for help. Before their exam they read 2 rakaats salaah in class and make dua.

Written Subjects
I make sure I test the previous lesson I taught thoroughly before teaching a new lesson. If they don’t know it either I redo it or I give them time to learn and then test them. This works really well as every lesson is learnt thoroughly. If you do not test them, they will not learn, because they know they are not being tested. TEST THOROUGHLY A-Z ALL worksheets must be completed after each lesson. I finish the syllabus early so there’s enough time for revisions and tests. By the 1st week of the 2nd term all my half yearly written subjects are done. There’s enough time for tests, revisions and corrections. Do lots of test papers with them so they understand how to answer questions. It’s a sad reality that as big as they are, their level of reading and understanding is very very poor. This will really help them. When they get an answer wrong, I don’t tell them the correct answer. They must find it themselves and do corrections. Partner testing works great before coming to you. Put a weaker child with a bright child. When doing tests corrections are increased per test. E.g. first test 1 time, second test 2 times, third test 3 times and so on. Closer to the exam I test each child orally from their text book like 3 girls per day. Whatever they don’t know I put a cross so they know where to concentrate and where their weaknesses are. Then they are called again to be tested all the crossed one’s. Make their work easy for them. I make worksheets for them for e.g, a worksheets with all the terms from the kitaab. Worksheets with all the names for history. Worksheets with all dates and important details. Short note points. Easy points. It makes their learning easier as everything is found on 1 page instead of them searching through the entire kitaab for all the different terms, names etc. I don’t mind sharing it with other Apas should they need it as I have copies. When I teach grade 6 history, they find it very difficult because of all the battles, names, dates, etc. I try and finish the kitaab early so we have enough time for thorough revision. So for the 2nd half of the year when I teach, I teach one lesson from the front which is a battle and 1 lesson from the back which is not a battle. E.g. Battle of Muta (front) and mu’jizaat (from the back). So what’s happening is that they are learning 2 lessons at one time but its not too difficult because only 1 lesson is a battle. In this way the kitaab is finished earlier and there is more time for revision and tests. Since we do have exams for practicals, sunnats and tuhfatul banaat, we must have time for that revision as well. This year I tried this method with my girls as I had a big number and it worked alhamdulillah. Make 2 groups verse each other to answer questions and see who wins. It’s amazing to see them helping each other while they are learning and it’s fun. I make mnemonics for them to remember points.

Not every year is going to be as smooth as you want it to be. You will constantly face challenges. Try different methods and ways accordingly. Build a good relationship with your students. Show them you love them and they mean a lot to you. My girls don’t like it when we have long holidays. They actually ask me, “Apa can’t we come to madrasah in the holidays?” Do not be “a shouting teacher”. Sometimes make a joke and laugh together. Win over their little hearts and they won’t want to ever disappoint you. They will want to do everything that will make you happy. If they do something that upsets you, they will feel bad and apologise. Your students must love you. Then they will do all you tell them to do. They will write you lots of letters telling you that they enjoy madrasah and that they love you. Constantly remind them that Quraan and tv, music, etc. cannot go together. It’s a very challenging and trying time for them as well with these tik tok trends and school friends. You have to keep on reminding them. Alhamdulillah these methods have really helped me over the years. Teaching bigger grades and multiple grades is definitely more challenging as the content is much more. But Alhamdulillah with the help of Allah Ta’ala we try different methods and techniques each year to make it work. May Allah accept our efforts and keep us all on Siraat-e-Mustaqeem and guide our children during this trying time, grant them good akhlaaq and make them ambassadors of Deen and a means of Sawaab-e-
Jaariyah. Aameen.

2022-06-29T06:27:12+00:00June 29th, 2022|Categories: Articles|

O Allah! Please accept me for Haj

In the past two years, Haj has been a very sad affair for the Ummah. Only 1000 Hujjaaj performed Haj in 2020 and 60 000 in 2021. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had about 124 000 Hujjaaj with him in Hajjatul Wadaa. This is perhaps the first time in the history of Islam that we have such few people performing Haj.

South Africa has a quota of 1200 Haajis with a back log of almost 35 000. A person may get a chance to perform his fardh Haj only after 35 years, if he lives till then.

 Haj is a pillar of Islam and Muslims all over the world should endevour to uphold this great pillar of Islam. Previously, millions of people around the world would perform Haj. Allah Ta’ala’s special rahmah and mercy would descend on the Ummah whilst people make sincere taubah to Allah Ta’ala to change their lives.

 It is the duty of every Muslim to cry to Allah Ta’ala to allow us once again to go for Haj. We should try to save up for our fardh Haj and make sincere dua to Allah Ta’ala to accept us to visit Baytullah Shareef and the Raudha Mubaarak of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

 O Allah I beg You through Your Fadhal and Karam to please accept me for Haj. Aameen.

2022-05-19T07:33:42+00:00May 19th, 2022|Categories: Articles|

The Method of Ta’leem & Importance of the Makaatib

by: Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Motala Saahib (rahmatullahi alayh).

If you study and ponder over the history of Muslims who came after Nabi [sallallahu alayhi wasallam], you will no doubt find numerous examples and incidents which will clearly testify that this method of ta’leem i.e. establishment of Maktabs, has remained the most vital and effective way of retaining and preserving our Deen in its original pristine purity. This is also the reason why the children of those people who established Makaatib maintained their Islamic identity. A community, who fails to do this, will find it extremely difficult to maintain its Islamic identity.

2022-03-21T18:33:41+00:00March 21st, 2022|Categories: Articles|

What happens on Laylatul Baraah?

Article by: Shaikhul Hadeeth, Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi (RA)

The Malaaikah are issued instructions for the whole year on this one particular night of the year. They are assigned duties for the year and informed that such and such things have been decreed for such and such person. Many a man is engrossed in sports and pastimes whilst, in the heavens above, orders have gone out for his arrest. It has been decreed that he will suffer death and no one can intercede with Allah Ta’ala, or appeal to Him, to change His decree! Nor can the decreed hour of a man’s death be delayed by even a minute! A Hadith reports Ibne Abbaas (radiyallahu anhuma) as saying:‘You will notice that a person is walking about in the bazaars, though his name has been recorded in the list of those who are destined to die in that year.”

Abu Nadhrah (radiyallahu anhu) says: “On this night, the angels are assigned their duties for the whole year. Orders are issued about the means of welfare apportioned for the year, about the evils to be suffered, about the sustenance to be provided, about the people destined to die, about the afflictions and about the high or low prices of commodities.”‘Ikramah (radiyallahu anhu) says, “On the middle night of Sha’ban (Laylatul Bara’ah), all the events decreed for the year are assigned to the angels. The lists of people destined to die, and of those who will perform Hajj during the year are handed over to the angels. No changes can be made to these lists’ According to another Hadith, Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam]once said: “(On this night), the angels are given the names of people who are going to die during the year from one Sha’baan to the next, with the specific hours of death destined for each person. Many a man gets married in this world and a child is born to him while, in the heavens above, his name has been recorded in the list of the dead.”

Hadhrat Aaishah (radiyallahu anha) says: “Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] used to fast very frequently during Sha’baan, for it is in this month that a list is prepared of those who are destined to die during the year. Many a man is engaged in getting married while, in the heavens above, his name has been recorded among the dead; or, again, a man is preparing for Hajj while his name has been enlisted among the dead.” Another Hadith reports that once Hadhrat Aaishah (radiyallahu anha) asked Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] why he fasted more frequently in the month of Sha’baan, to which he replied: “In this month, a record is made of those who are destined to die during the year and I wish that, when my name is recorded in the list of the dead, I should be fasting.”

A Hadith says that, every year, on the middle night of Sha’baan, Allah Ta’alainforms Izraeel (alayhis salaam), the Angel of Death, about all those who are destined to die during the year.

[Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat Page 653-654]

2022-03-14T17:53:39+00:00March 14th, 2022|Categories: Articles|
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