
Kindness in the face of Difficulties

Written by: Shaikhul Hadeeth, Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (RA)

Allah Ta’ala loves it tremendously when help is given to people in times of difficulties.  A Hadith says that Allah Ta’ala shows no mercy to those who do not show mercy to others.  Rasulullah H also said, “He who helps women with their problems, or helps the poor, is like that person who is busy in Jihaad.” The narrator says he thinks that Rasulullah H also said, “Like someone who reads Nafl Salaah the whole night without becoming lazy, and he is like someone who is always fasting without a break in between.”

A Hadith says that whoever removes any problem of a Mu’min in this life, Allah Ta’ala will save him from the problems of the Day of Qiyaamah. Allah Ta’ala will give ease both in this life and in the Aakhirah to that person who removes someone’s difficulties. Whoever hides the faults of a Muslim in this life, Allah Ta’ala will hide his faults both in this life and in the Aakhirah.

A Hadith says, “When someone sees to the need of a Muslim brother, his reward will be like that of a person who spent his whole life in the ibaadat of Allah Ta’ala.” Another Hadith says, “If someone explains the need of a Muslim brother to a person in power, he will be helped to cross the ‘Siraat’ (the bridge over Jahannam) when feet will be slipping.”

According to a Hadith, there are many men whom Allah Ta’ala has created for seeing to people’s needs and helping them in difficulties. Those men shall have no worries on the Day of Qiyaamah and will have nothing to fear. Another Hadith says that whoever helps his brother in difficulties, Allah Ta’ala will keep him firm when even the mountains will not be able to stay firm in their place, i.e. on the Day of Qiyaamah.

One Hadith says, “If someone helps a Muslim by saying a few good words about him, or takes a few steps to help him in any way, Allah Ta’ala gives him seventy-three blessings, one of which will be enough for him for his well-being in this life and in the Aakhirah, while the remaining seventy-two will be used for raising his position and status on the Day of Qiyaamah.”

A Hadith says, “Rahmaan (Allah Ta’ala) shows mercy to those who show mercy to others. Be merciful to those on earth, you will have the mercy of those who are in the Heavens, which includes Allah Ta’ala and the Angels.”

Rasulullah H has said, “Whoever in my Ummah helps someone in need to make him happy, he makes me happy and my happiness makes Allah Ta’ala happy, and when Allah Ta’ala is happy, He gives that person entry into Jannah.”

One Hadith says, “When someone helps a person in his problems, he receives seventy-three levels of forgiveness, one of which is enough to save him from Jahannam. The remaining seventy-two will raise his position in the Aakhirah.”

A Hadith says that the entire creation is Allah’s family and from the people He likes most are those who are good towards His family. The Ulama have explained that just as a man is responsible for looking after his family, so does Allah Ta’ala provide for the whole of His creation. That is why they are called the family of Allah Ta’ala. Muslims and non-Muslims are all equal (in being the family of Allah Ta’ala). Even the animals are included in the family of Allah Ta’ala. Whoever treats the whole creation well, will become the beloved of Allah Ta’ala.

[Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat Page 47]

Presently, in this time of lockdown, a Muslim should portray his best akhlaaq and character by showing extra kindness to one and all, Muslim or Non-Muslim.

The following are some ways of showing kindness;

  1. Providing basic food items for poor neighbours and family members.
  2. Paying full salaries to staff despite them not being able to come to work.
  3. Waiving off rentals from tenets for one month.
  4. Taking extra care of one’s domestic workers during the lock down period.
  5. In these days also if a beggar comes to your door, be kind to him and give him something to eat.
  6. Try to help with feeding schemes etc. in informal settlements near you.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us all the taufeeq to act with kindness to others and in this way we will insha Allah attract the kindness of Allah Ta’ala upon us.

2020-04-09T10:02:22+00:00April 9th, 2020|Categories: Articles|

Maktab via the Cell-Phone

Bismihi Ta’ala

Presently, due to the 21 day lockdown in South Africa, all schools and maktabs are closed. Children are not allowed to leave their homes to attend Madrasah. As a result of this no formal ta’leem is taking place in the maktabs.

Due to such circumstances, many maktabs, by the grace of Allah Ta’ala, are continuing with the daily maktab ta’leem with the usage of the mobile phone.

Daily sabak is prepared by the Ustaaz / Apa and sent out to the parents of the children. e.g.

Qur-aan Sabak  –  Page 8 – Aayat 5-7

Surahs –   Surah Kaafiroon and revision of Surah Naas

Duas – Durood Ebrahim and revision of Kalimah Tayyibah, Shahaadah and Tamjeed

Fiqh – 4 Faraaidh of wudhu

In this way daily sabak is sent out by the Ustaaz / Apa and the parents sit with the children and revise or teach them what is necessary. Once the child learns the sabak for the day, the parent then sends a message to the Ustaaz / Apa saying that the sabak is completed.

In this way, alhamdulillah despite the lockdown, Madrasah work is still continuing.

May Allah Ta’ala accept the dedicated efforts of all teachers and crown it with acceptance. Aameen.

2020-04-09T09:18:24+00:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Articles|

The Respected Mother of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu)

On Sunday 29 December 2019, 02 Jumaadus Saani 1441, the respected mother of our beloved Ustaaz, Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu) passed away in the early hours of the morning whilst she was asleep. May Allah Ta’ala make her maghfirat and grant her the highest stages in Jannatul Firdaus. Aameen.

She was indeed a very pious, righteous, Allah-fearing woman who was an inspiration to one and all.

It was her good fortune that she was born in Makkah Mukarramah whilst her parents were on the journey of Haj. She was thus given the name Makkiyah. As a new born child, her parents would keep her in the Hateem whilst they made tawaaf of the Ka’bah Shareef. She was indeed fortunate to have earned the blessings of the Haramain Shareefain in her infancy.

Hereunder are a few incidents from her noble life which hopefully will serve as an inspiration for us all, Insha Allah.

Ta’leem at home:

She was very particular about the daily ta’leem at home. After Asar Salaah she would gather all the members of the home and make sure ta’leem was read from the books Fazaail-e-Aamaal, Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat as well as the Behishti Zewar of Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi alayh). She would prefer the ta’leem to be done in Urdu. Before the ta’leem would commence, she would ask someone to first recite the 40 Durood and Salaam and after the ta’leem was over everyone must engage in zikr for some time and then a collective dua was made. On one occasion she mentioned to Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu), “On the day ta’leem is not done in the home, I feel as if something is wrong. I sense some void on that day.” It was her honourable habit to encourage one and all to diligently have ta’leem at home every day. She would make a special point of reading the section on “Upbringing of children” from the Behishti Zewar. If anyone in the family was getting married she would make them read this section over and over again.


Till the end of her life she was very punctual with the performance of Tahajjud Salaah. Even-though she was quite old and weak, she would wake up in the early hours of the morning and engage in salaah, dua and zikr. She had an excellent habit of daily making special dua for all her children and grandchildren. It was her practice every day to perform two rakaats of salaah and then make special dua for her son, Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu).


She was very particular about performing salaah in the “Awwal Waqt” (i.e. the moment the time for salaah sets in). She would not like that salaah be delayed and would encourage others to also read their salaah early. Qur-aan Shareef Tilaawat: She was an ardent lover of the Qur-aan Shareef and would recite the Qur-aan-e-Kareem daily in a large print Qur-aan. Her Qur-aan Shareef always remained covered and kept in a ghilaaf (cloth) with great adab and respect.

Taking care of the weak, poor, old and sick:

One of her many outstanding qualities were that she always showed special care and love for those who were weak or slow. Children who had a natural weakness or disability enjoyed her special favour and kindness. She would go out of her way to care for them and make them happy saying that Allah Ta’ala’s help comes to us because of the weak amongst us. This is actually the words of a Hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam;

انما تنصرون و ترزقون بضعفائكم

“Indeed you are provided with help and rizq because of the weak ones amongst you.”

A young girl from Mpumalanga, who is unable to walk from birth, says that she would love to come and meet Hadhrat Mufti Saahib’s mother because of the special care and love she showed to her. “Whenever I came to meet her, she always made me feel very special,” says the young girl. This is in-fact the feelings experienced by most people who visited her.

She would prefer to do the weekly ladies ta’leem in poorer areas like Malugazi, Isipingo Rail and Lotus Park. She attracted many poor people to Islam in this way. Many reverts to Islam who had no support from their families would say that she was like a mother to them. Towards the end of her life she wouldn’t go out anywhere due to her ill health, but if she heard of the Janaazah of a poor person, she would take the trouble and effort and especially go to attend the funeral or at least visit the family of the deceased. She loved the poor and would always try to be with them.

She would make a point of supporting the people that go house to house selling food items to earn a living. Even if there was no need to purchase anything, she would still make a point of buying it just to support them in some way. On hot days she would provide cold water for these people, as well as the beggars that came to the house.

She would be very particular about treating her domestic workers with care and affection. If any of them gave birth, she would send some clothing to them as a gift showing her special care and affection for them. A domestic worker commented that whenever she went to Hadhrat Mufti Saahib’s mother’s hoاme, she always asked her how she was keeping. This would make her feel very special and comfortable.

Many years ago a lady in Isipingo Beach was widowed. She hailed from India and had no children. Most of her family lived in India. After her husband passed away, she had nowhere to go. Hadhrat Mufti Saahib’s mother happily took her into her home and looked after her like a widowed sister right until she passed away, whereas she was in no way related to her. She would happily entertain this widows visitors without any fuss or complaint. Today, how many of us are able to bring an old person into our home who has no one to take care of them? Our hearts have become so small and constricted that we have no place for even our close family members.

Punctuality on mamoolaat:

Another outstanding quality was her punctuality on her daily mamoolaat. She was bay’at to Hadhrat Moulana Badr-e-Aalam Saahib Madani (rahmatullahi alayh) of Madinah Munawwarah. He had prescribed the daily reading of the Hizbul Azam, etc. Till the last days of her life she was very punctual on all her mamoolaat. At times whilst reciting the Hizbul Azam and 40 Durood and Salaam, she would doze off a little. Her sons would tell her at times to have a rest and read her wazeefahs later on, but she would refuse saying: “If you don’t complete your ma’moolaat on its prescribed time, you will not do it later on.” She was always seen with a tasbeeh in her hand and her tongue would always be busy in the zikr of Allah Ta’ala. By looking at her one would easily understand the meaning of the Hadith

Let your tongue always be moist with the zikr of Allah

Support to Madrasah Taleemuddeen:

When Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu) completed his studies in Darul Uloom Deoband and had returned home, he intended to start off a Madraasah for Hifz and Aalim students. Some people advised him that he should work half day and teach half day and in this way he would be able to earn an income and also teach Deen. However, his respected mother advised him to spend his entire time for Deen and that they (his parents) will support him. In this way Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu) was able to dedicate all his time and effort to the Madrasah. Today, the beautiful Darul Uloom that we see in Isipingo Beach, is through the selfless efforts of Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu) as well as the support and encouragement of his respected parents. May Allah Ta’ala reward them abundantly and fill their qabars with noor. In the early days of the Madrasah there was no kitchen where food was prepared for the students. Alhamdulillah Hadhrat Mufti Saahib’s mother would prepare some meals herself and send it for the Madrasah students. She would have a special place in her heart especially for the foreign students and would at times invite them to her home for meals. She would take care to prepare the meals according to their taste and culture. Often she would order fish, pay for it with her own money and prepare it for the Thailand and Philippine students. She would say, “They have come from so far to learn Deen, we should at least try and make them comfortable and keep them happy.”

Support to the work of Da’wat and Tableegh:

In the initial days of the Tabligh Jamaat, when Hadhrat Haji Bhai Padia Saahib (RA) was trying in earnestness to establish the Jamaat work in South Africa, Hadhrat Mufti Saahib’s mother was in the fore front of the mastooraat (ladies) effort. She would happily and willingly prepare and feed jamaats and Ulama in her home. She would say to the menfolk, “Just let me know in advance how many people are coming for meals and insha Allah I will have the meals ready for them.” This was her habit also in Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah, to feed the Ulama and the Jamaats that had come for Haj or Umrah. No amount of people were too many to feed.

Connection with the Awliyaa:

From a long time, the Salejee family had a close ta’lluq and connection with many of the Awliyaa and Buzrugaan-e-Deen. Many of our Akaabir knew the family personally and many of them would stay over at her home. Amongst the many Awliyaa and Akaabir that came and stayed over at her home or partook of meals were Hadhrat Shaikhul Hadeeth, Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Saeed Khan Saahib (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Ina’amul Hasan Saahib (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Umar Paalanpuri (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Moosa Saamrodhi (RA), Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saahib (RA), Hadhrat Moulana As’ad Madani (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi Saahib (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Abraarul Haq Saahib (RA), Hadhrat Moulana Hakeem Akhtar Saahib (RA) and many many other great Ulama and Awliyaa. Hadhrat Moulana Faqeer Muhammad Saahib (RA) who was the khalifah of Hadhrat Moulana Thanwi (RA), and also a resident of Makkah Mukarramah, was also very close to the family. He would in fact make special dua for Hadhrat Mufti Saahib’s mother in particular. In this way, the family enjoyed a strong connection with many Awliyaa-e-Kiraam. Even the Imaams of the Haram Shareef in Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah visited her home and partook of meals at her dastarkhaan by the grace of Allah Ta’ala.


She was very particular about how girls and females dressed. She abhorred tight fitting, body hugging clothing and insisted that all women dress modestly with long flowing garments, as hayaa (modesty) is the hallmark of a believer. If she saw anyone in the family wearing incorrect clothing like short sleeves or short dresses, she would immediately reprimand them and ask them to go and change their clothing. At 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu) led her Janaazah Salaah at Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen. She has left behind many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, many of whom are Huffaaz, Ulama and Awliyaa. Two of her sons, Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu) and Moulana Husain Salejee Saahib (daamat barakaatuhu), are senior Ustaads serving Madrasah Taleemuddeen. May Allah Ta’ala fill her qabar with noor and grant her the highest stages in Jannatul Firdaus. Aameen.

2020-02-26T06:30:50+00:00February 26th, 2020|Categories: Articles|

The Day of Jumu’ah


Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam has said: “Friday is the best of days. It was on this day that Hadhrat Aadam (alayhis salaam) was created, it was on this day that he was granted entry into Jannah, it was on this day that he was removed from Jannah (which became the cause for man’s existence in this universe, and which is a great blessing), and the day of Qiyaamah will also take place on this day.”

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: “Friday is the “mother” of all days and the most virtuous in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. In the sight of Allah Ta’ala it has more greatness than Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Ad’haa.”

Rasulullah H said: “The Muslim who passes away on the night or during the day of Friday, Allah Ta’ala saves him from the punishment of the grave.”

The Night preceding Jumuah

Imaam Shaafi’ee (rahmatullahi alayh) has said, “There are five nights in which duas are accepted. The night preceding Friday, the night before both Eids, the first night of Rajab and Laylatul Baraa’ah.

Imaam Ahmad (rahmatullahi alayh) has said that in certain aspects the rank of the night of Jumu’ah is even higher than Laylatul Qadr. One of the reasons for this is that it was on this night that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam appeared in the womb of his mother and Rasulullah’s Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam appearance in this world was a cause of so much good and blessings both in this world and in the hereafter that they cannot be enumerated.

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam used to say that the night of Jumu’ah is an illustrious night, and the day of Jumu’ah is an illustrious day.

In one Hadith it is mentioned that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: “Recite Durood in abundance upon me during the eve and the day of Jumu’ah for whosoever does so I will be his witness and will intercede for him on the day of Qiyaamah.”

What to do on the eve of Jumuah

  1. Istghfaar: Hadhrat Moulana Thanwi (RA) used to advise his mureeds to make lots of istighfaar on a Thursday asking the forgiveness of Allah Ta’ala before this mubaarak night sets in
  2. Make ta’leem at home from Fazaail-e-Durood
  3. Recite the 40 Durood and Salaam
  4. Recite Surah Dukhaan
  5. Recite Surah Yaaseen
  6. Sit with your entire family and recite as much Durood Shareef as possible
  7. Engage in fervent dua to Allah Ta’ala

Sunnats of the day of Jumuah

  1. To wake up early.
  2. To have a bath.
  3. To make miswaak.
  4. To remove unwanted hair.
  5. To apply oil on one’s head.
  6. To wear clean clothes.
  7. To apply itr (males only).
  8. To clip the finger and toe nails.
  9. To recite abundant durood shareef.
  10. To recite Surah Kahaf.
  11. To go early to the masjid. (males only)
  12. To go walking to the masjid.

Reciting Duroord Shareef of a Friday

Among the most rewarding acts to be done on the Day of Jumu’ah is the excessive recitation of durood shareef.

Hadhrat Abu Darda radiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said, “Send durood upon me abundantly on a Friday, for it is a day in which the angels are present. Nobody sends durood upon me except that his durood is presented to me as soon as he has sent them.”

Hadhrat Abu Umaamah radiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said, “Send durood upon me abundantly on Friday, for the durood of my followers are presented to me every Friday. Whoever sends the most durood upon me shall be closest to me on the Day of Qiyaamah.”

100 needs fulfilled

Hadhrat Anas radiyallahu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said, “Whoever recites durood on me on a Friday, or on a Thursday night, for him Allah Ta’ala shall fulfil one hundred of his needs. Allah Ta’ala appoints an angel who brings that durood to me by my grave in the same manner as you people have gifts presented to you.”

Reading Durood Shareef 80 times after Asr on a Friday

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah radiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said, “Sending durood upon me will be a light on the Siraat (bridge). Whoever sends durood upon me 80 times on Friday, 80 years of his sins will be forgiven.” In a Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah radiyallahu anhu it is mentioned that whoever recites the following durood 80 times before getting up from his place after Asr Salaah on Friday, 80 years of his sins will be forgiven and he will be granted the reward of 80 years of Ibaadat (worship)

اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰى مُحَمَّدِۨ ِالنَّبِىِّ الْاُمِّىِّ وَعَلٰى اٰلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا

Reciting 100 Durood on a Friday

Hadhrat Ali radiyallahu anhu has narrated that Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam said, “Whoever sends 100 durood upon me on Friday will be granted such light on the Day of Qiyaamah that would suffice for the entire creation.”

Reciting 1000 Durood on a Friday

It is mentioned in a Hadith that one who recites Durood Shareef one thousand times on a Friday, will most certainly see his abode in Jannah before death.  (Targheeb).

The Jumuah Salaah

Hadhrat Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibnul- Aas  radiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “He who takes a bath and baths thoroughly, comes to the masjid early, sits close to the mimbar, and listens (to the khutbah) attentively, then for every step that he took he will receive the reward of Ibaadat at night for one year and keeping fast for one year.”

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah radiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasululah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: ‘When it is Friday and a person takes a bath, washed his head, applies best perfume he has, wears the best clothes he has, then goes for the (Friday) Salaah, does not separate two people sitting next to each other and listens attentively to the Imaam, his sins from one Friday to the next Friday plus another three days are forgiven.”

Reward for going early for the Jumuah

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam  has said: “At every entrance of the masjid there are two angels recording the names of those who come, starting with those who come first and then those who come after them. The one who comes first is like one who has presented a camel, then like he who has presented a cow, then like he who has presented a sheep, then like he who has presented a chicken, then like he who has presented an egg. Then once the Imaam sits (on the pulpit), the scrolls are rolled up.”

Warning for not attending Jumu’ah Salaah

It is reported from Hadhrat Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma that he heard Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam saying, “People should stop leaving out Jumu’ah or else Allah Ta’ala will seal their hearts. They will then be counted among the neglectful.” In another Hadith it is mentioned that if a Muslim misses out three Jumu’ahs in a row, he will become a disbeliever.

What to read on a Friday

Surah Kahaf – one who reads this Surah will be saved from all fitnahs for 8 days, will be protected from Dajjaal, a special nur (light) will be illuminated from beneath his feet till the skies which will be a means of brightness for him on the day of Qiyaamah and he will be forgiven between the two Jumuahs.

Surah Dukhaan – One who reads Surah Dukhaan on a Thursday night all ones sins will be forgiven and Allah Ta’ala will build for him a house in Jannah.”

Surah Yaaseen – One who recites Surah Yaseen on a Friday night will be forgiven.

Salaatut Tasbeeh — Hadhrat Shaikhul Hadith, Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (RA) would instruct his mureeds to perform this salaah on a Jumuah and made it part of their mamoolaat. Great virtues have been mentioned in the Hadith for one who offers this salaah. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam had taught this salaat to his uncle, Hadhrat Abbaas radiyallahu anhu, and said to him that by offering this salaat, all your future, past, minor and major sins will be forgiven.

Duas are accepted

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam has said: “There is such an hour on a Friday that if any Muslim makes dua, his dua will definitely be accepted.”[1] Most of the Ulama say that this moment refers to the last part of the day between Asar and Maghrib. Hadhrat Fatimah (radhiyallahu anha) used to order her maid (servant) on Fridays to inform her when the day is about to end so that she could occupy herself in making zikr and dua. We should also dedicate this mubaarak time on a Friday before Maghrib for dua. Men should try and go early to the Masjid and women should sit on the musalla at home and engage in fervent dua for themselves as well as the Ummat of Rasulullah H.

May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with the barkat of this mubaarak day. Aameen.

[1] Bukhaari, Muslim

2020-03-09T16:56:12+00:00December 23rd, 2019|Categories: Articles|

It’s that Time of the Year

Once again we have come to that time of the year, the “SILLY SEASON” where people all over start behaving “SILLY”. Crime is suddenly on the increase, people are celebrating with drugs and drink and one has to be extra careful on the road as there are many drunk drivers especially during this time of the year.

Whilst Christians are in the merry of their year-end celebrations, a Muslim has to be very careful not to participate actively or passively in any of their celebrations.

In Surah Kaafiroon, Allah Ta’ala mentions;

لَكُمْ دِيْنُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِيْن

“For you is your religion (ways and culture) and for me is my religion (ways and culture)”

Allah Ta’ala has given us days of celebration i.e. the Days of Eid, the Day of Aashura, etc. We will celebrate on our days of celebration. We will dress in our best clothing and eat the best food on these days. Why then should we join the disbelievers in their days of celebration?

We should have absolutely no inclination towards their symbols and celebrations. A Muslim must not keep a Christmas tree in his home, or take pictures of his children with Santa Claus or even wish someone using the words “Merry Christmas”. These words and actions are extremely detrimental to our Imaan.

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam has said;

مَنْ كَثَّرَ سَوَادَ قَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ

“Who adds to the splendor of a nation is counted to be from them”

A Businessman must be careful not to advertise a “Christmas” or a “New Years” Sale, or give “Christmas gifts” to his customers, or sell items that are specific to Christianity like “Hot Cross Buns”.

Sometimes our staff may ask for an additional bonus during this time of the year. Make it known to them that we will give them a bonus during our Eid celebrations, not during the Christmas season as we do not align ourselves with these days.

There is no need for a Muslim to stay awake on the 31 December till midnight to see the change of the New Year or to enjoy the fireworks display. People suddenly lose their senses and start fighting with each other, throwing water, eggs, flour and food at one another. This indeed is not the behaviour of a Muslim.

Whilst people of other religions are involved in their celebrations and festivities, a Muslim must be extra careful to take care of his children and family during this time of the year. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam has advised us to stay at home. Our Home is our protection.

If we have to go out of the home for some reason, ensure we are clad correctly with our Islamic identity. Control our gaze and if per chance one has to come across any Christian symbol like a Christmas tree etc. recite the following dua;

رَضِيْتُ بِاللّٰهِ رَبًّا وَبِالْاِسْلَامِ دِيْنًا وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلَّمَ)رَسُوْلًاوَّ نَبِيًّا

I am happy with Allah Ta’ala as my Rabb, with Islam as my Deen and with Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam as my Nabi

May Allah Ta’ala protect us all and keep us steadfast on Imaan and bless us with death on Imaan. Aameen.

2019-12-20T14:35:02+00:00December 20th, 2019|Categories: Articles|

The Benefits of the Daily Kitaab Reading

Bismihi Ta’ala
At the beginning of the academic year, after the long vacation, a parent brought her child to a maktab on the first day of Madrasah and requested to meet her child’s Apa. After chatting a while with the Apa, she mentioned to her, “I don’t know what you have done to my child. We come from a fairly affluent background. My husband and I are both professionals and work late almost every day. In December, we went to the sea side for a week’s break. I was surprised to note that at the time of every salaah, my son made sure that we all performed our salaah on time. He put an alert tone on the Salaah App to alert us and would wake up himself at the time of Fajar to call out the azaan loudly in the room.”

Saying this, the mother left her child and went on her way. The Apa thanked Allah Ta’ala for what she heard and at the end of the day called the child to speak to him. She praised him for performing all his salaah on time and asked him what prompted him to do so.

“Apa, I was motivated by that book you read to us every day,” he said pointing to the Fazaail-e-Aamaal on the shelf. “When you read to us the stories of the Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum) and the pious and how punctual they were on their salaah, I also felt encouraged to read my salaah on time and encouraged my parents and siblings to do the same.”

Every day at the maktab, the Apa reads out a section from the Fazaail-e-Aamaal to encourage and motivate the children to perform salaah, recite Qur-aan Shareef, make zikr, etc. Reading the Ahaadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam from these books is one of the most effective ways of moulding the mind of a Muslim child.

Our senior Ulama and pious elders are stressing the importance of reading the “Fazaail-e-A’maal” and Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat” written by Shaikhul Hadeeth, Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi Saahib (rahmatullahi alayh). These books have been written with lots of sincerity and sacrifice by one of the greatest saints of his time. Reading the advices of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) most definitely will leave its mark on the hearts and minds of these little children.

A time should be allocated daily for the entire family to sit together and read these books. This will create a desire in our hearts to practice on our Deen and to refrain from sins.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us all the taufeeq to diligently read these books daily.

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2019-09-05T13:16:27+00:00September 5th, 2019|Categories: Articles|

From the advices of Hadhrat Qaari Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi Saahib (RA)

Hadhrat Moulana Abdur Rahmaan Pani Patti (RA) used to teach at Madrasah Arabia in Pani Patt continuously from Fajr to Asr and at times right up to Maghrib. Occasionally he would get a chance to rest in the afternoon. He was an expert in every field of Deeni knowledge. Offers with higher salaries had come to him from various quarters but he never left ‘Madrasah Arabia. He passed his entire life selflessly earning only twenty five rupees a month.

My uncle and my ustaadh, Hadhrat Moulana Sayyid Ameenud Deen (RA), by whom I completed a few Paras’ of the Qur’aan Shareef and studied Faarsi and the initial books of Arabic, spent his entire life teaching Deen. His salary was only ten rupees a month and that too, not every month. Allah Ta’ala put so much barakah in this small sum of money that not only could he cover his expenses, but he would help others as well. He would also entertain guests regularly at his house.

2019-09-02T06:41:15+00:00September 2nd, 2019|Categories: Articles|

Haj of Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (RA)

Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (RA) performed his first Haj in the year 1944. His luggage for Haj consisted of one pillowcase holding two sets of clothing, one lungi, two pieces of Ihraam and one lota. In one hand he held the pillowcase and in the other hand an umbrella. In this manner, he left for Haj. On the way, he met some people who asked him where he was going to. Hadhrat (RA) picked up his umbrella and pointed towards the Qiblah saying, “I’m going to Makkah Mukarramah.” It seemed impossible to them that he was embarking on such a great journey with so little luggage. Outwardly it seemed as though he had nothing with him but in reality, he possessed an enormous amount of tawakkul (trust) in Allah Ta’ala which brings the help of Allah Ta’ala in every step of life. The entire trip cost Hadhrat (RA) Rs1 000. In those days it cost 75 paisa to travel from Deoband to Delhi.

Salaah in Musjid-e-Nabawi
When Hadhrat (RA) arrived in Madinah Munawwarah, he ensured that he read all his salaah in the first saff in Musjid-e-Nabawi. Whilst he was there his entire body broke out into boils due to the excessive heat and it became difficult for Hadhrat (RA) to expose himself to the sun. Everyone insisted that he perform his salaah at his residence as he had a valid excuse. Hadhrat (RA) still performed all his salaah in the Haram Shareef ensuring that he was in the first saff. He mentioned to his friends that how can it be possible that we are here in Madinah Shareef and not perform our salaah in the Haram Shareef.

Unmatched Sacrifice
The spirit with which Hadhrat (RA) performed his haj was unique. The difficulties and hardships that he underwent were indeed a sign of his deep love for the mubaarak lands. He travelled by ship which made him dizzy but despite this with great difficulty, he would stand and perform all his salaah. One person who travelled with Hadhrat (RA) for Haj says, “My seat was very close to Hadhrat’s seat on the ship. Throughout the night, he would be engaged in salaah. I tried very hard to find him asleep but not once did this happen.” One can well imagine that if this was his mujaahadah (sacrifice) on his way to the beloved, what must have been his condition when he reached the Holy lands. A very reliable source once mentioned that Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (RA) often made upto 50 tawaafs in a day and on some days he made upto 70 tawaafs.

In Mina
In Mina, Hadhrat (RA) was so immersed in the muhabbat and love of Allah Ta’ala that he became completely oblivious of what was happening around him. Those who witnessed this were amazed at the manner in which he spent his time. His entire day and night was spent in zikr, tilaawat, dua and weeping before Allah Ta’ala. Many people just by observing Hadhrat’s (RA) program in Mina, were so impressed with him, that this became a means of their islaah and the islaah of their entire family.

Uneasiness upon his return
On returning from the Haramain, Hadhrat (RA) would be extremely grief stricken. Despite being a mountain of strength and support he would break down into tears when leaving the Haram Shareef. He was always anxious about when he would be able to return. His enthusiasm increased when he heard or met someone who was leaving for the Holy Lands. Once he was asked why does he not stay longer in the holy lands. Hadhrat (RA) with a deep sigh replied, “One has to have great courage to live there. My actions, manners and habits are all evil. How can an evil person live here? This is a place for good people. Therefore I prefer to complete my rites and return home quickly. Just as a person is rewarded tremendously for the good deeds that he does in these places, he is also punished severely for the sins committed in these places.”

2019-09-05T13:19:56+00:00August 9th, 2019|Categories: Articles|

Haj of Hadhrat Moulana Siddeeq Ahmed Bandwi (RA)

Hadhrat Moulana Siddeeq Baandwi Saahib (RA) says, “My journey for Haj was very unique. I remember performing haj with just 1 300 Rupees. At that time I did not have sufficient money but had a domesticated ox which I sold to make the necessary arrangements. Thereafter, I commenced my preparations for haj. The news of my going for haj spread like wildfire amongst the people. Many people began preparing to join me hoping that the haj would be performed correctly if they accompanied me. Thus an entire group got ready.

Many of the Madrasah students requested me to please make dua for them on this mubaarak journey. I answered them in the following words, “Is it necessary to even request this? Will a person not make dua for his plantation? Will anyone be unmindful of his plantation?”

Before leaving for Haj, Hadhrat (RA) met all his family members and then left directly for the Masjid. He performed salaah and then began his journey. On his return, before meeting his family and others, he first went to the Masjid and performed salaah. Thereafter, he delivered a short talk and met everyone.

Hadhrat (RA) says, “When we arrived, it was my habit to spend all my time in the Haram Shareef. I would only leave the Haram out of necessity. However, Allah Ta’ala blessed me with the opportunity of making khidmah as one of my companion’s had fallen ill. He had been afflicted with such an illness that he suffered from continuous diarrhoea and there was no one to take care of him. His friends also left him. Allah Ta’ala gave me the taufeeq to make his complete khidmah. I would bring his medicine to him, feed him, clean his mess, wash his napaak impure clothes and after cleaning them would then hang them out to dry. I would cook rice for him and feed him even though I did not know how to cook but somehow I would get it done. It was only for this reason that I would leave the Haram Shareef. Apart from this I would sit and recite Qur’aan Shareef, make Tawaaf, and engage in zikr in the Haram Shareef.

One person who was also on this Haj mentioned, “It was so enlightening to witness the manner in which Hadhrat (RA) made the khidmah of this person. It was only then that we realized the Akhlaaq and spirit of khidmah in him and recognised what a great person Moulana Siddeeq Saahib was.”

Hadhrat (RA) said, “It was my routine to sit daily in the Haram Shareef and remember all those from whom I enjoyed some favour from. Whoever did any Ihsaan (good) to me, I remembered him. I would take each one’s name and make dua for him. I made dua for all my Asaatizah, Mashaaikh, students and the teachers of the Madrasah.”

2019-08-05T08:26:03+00:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: Articles|

The Day of Jumu’ah

Bismihi Ta’ala

The day of Jumu’ah is a very special and mubaarak day for a Muslim. Allah Ta’ala showers His special Blessings and Mercy upon us on this great day. Every Muslim should take special care to reap the great rewards that Allah Ta’ala has promised us for Jumu’ah. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam has mentioned, “Certainly Friday is the leader of all days. It is a day greater and more honoured by Allah Ta’ala than the two Eids (Eidul-Adha and Eidul-Fitr).”

A day of Eid

One Friday, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said to the Sahaabah Radiyallahu Anhum: “O Muslims! Allah Ta’ala has made this day a day of Eid. So have a bath on this day, whoever has itr (perfume) should apply it, and also use the Miswaak.”

The Best Day

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “The best day on which the sun has risen is the day of Jumu’ah. On this day, Hadhrat Aadam Alayhis Salaam was created. On this day he was granted entry into Jannah and on this very day he was removed from Jannah.”

Forgiveness of sins

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu Anhu narrates in another Hadith that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “The person who makes wudhu properly and then comes for Jumu’ah, listens attentively and doesn’t speak during the khutbah, all the sins that he committed between this Jumu’ah and the next Jumu’ah plus another three days will be forgiven.”

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam has said, “The five daily Salaah, One Jumu’ah to the next and one Ramadhaan to the next wipes out the sins committed between them so long as a person stays away from committing major sins.”

Reciting Surah Dukhaan on a Thursday night

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu Anhu reports that Rasululah  Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “Whoever reads Surah Haa Meem Dukhaan on a Thursday night (Surah No. 44, Page 686), his sins will all be forgiven.”

Acceptance of duas

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu Anhu says that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam once mentioned about the day of Jumu’ah, “There is a moment on this day wherein if a Muslim asks Allah Ta’ala for anything, Allah Ta’ala will grant it to him.”

Hadhrat Jaabir bin Abdullah Radiyallahu Anhuma reports that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “There are 12 moments wherein a Muslim will ask Allah Ta’ala for anything and Allah Ta’ala will grant it to him. Look for this special moment in the last part of the day after the Asar Salaah.”

Hadhrat Faatima Radiyallahu Anha, the daughter of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam, used to be very particular of this blessed time. Her servant use to inform her of the time just before sunset. She would then leave all her duties and become engrossed in dua and repentance to Allah Ta’ala.

Sunnats of the Day of Jumu’ah

  1. To wake up early.
  2. To have a bath.
  3. To apply oil on one’s head.
  4. To apply itr (males only).
  5. To make miswaak.
  6. To wear clean clothes.
  7. To remove unwanted hair.
  8. To clip the finger and toe nails.
  9. To recite abundant durood shareef.
  10. To recite Surah Kahaf.
  11. To go early to the masjid. (males only)
  12. To go walking to the masjid.
  13. Burn some incense like ’Ood on a Thursday night at home.

Reward for walking to the Masjid (Males only)

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said: “Whoever takes Ghusl (bath) on a Friday, goes early to the masjid, sits close to the Imaam and listens attentively to him, then for every step he takes, he will be rewarded with the reward of fasting for one year and performing salaah for one year.”

Virtue of reading Surah Kahaf on a Friday

Hadhrat ‘Ali Radiyallahu Anhu says that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “Whoever reads Surah Kahaf on a Friday will be saved from all fitnahs (trials and difficulties) for 8 days. Even if Dajjal had to appear, he will be protected from him.”

Hadhrat Abu Sa‘eed  Khudri Radiyallahu Anhu reports that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “Whoever recites Surah Kahaf on a Friday, a special nur (light) will be illuminated from beneath his feet till the skies which will be a means of brightness for him on the day of Qiyaamah, and he will be forgiven between the two Jumuahs.”

Warning for not attending Jumu’ah Salaah

It is reported from Hadhrat Ibn Umar Radiyallahu Anhu that he heard Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam saying, “People should stop leaving out Jumu’ah or else Allah Ta’ala will seal their hearts. They will then be counted among the neglectful.” (Muslim)

In another Hadith it is mentioned that if a Muslim misses out three Jumu’ahs in a row, he will become a disbeliever.

Recitation of Durood Shareef

Among the rewarding acts to be done on the Day of Jumu’ah is the excessive recitation of durood shareef. Every Muslim should, to the best of their ability, recite as much durood shareef as possible on the day of Jumu’ah.

Hadhrat Aws bin Aws As Saqafi Radiyallahu Anhu narrates that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “Recite durood upon me in abundance on a Friday. Indeed your durood shareef is presented to me.”

In another Hadith, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam has said: “Recite Durood Shareef in abundance upon me during the eve (Thursday night) and the day of Jumu’ah. Whosoever does so, I will be his witness and will intercede for him on the day of Qiyaamah.”

80 years of sins forgiven

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam has said, “One who recites the following Durood Shareef after Asar Salaah on a Friday, without moving from his place, will have 80 years of his sins forgiven and he will receive the reward of 80 years ibaadah.”

أَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدِ ۨالنَّبِيِّ الْاُمِّيِّ وَعَلٰى اٰلِهٖ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا

 A Palace in Jannah

It is mentioned in a Hadith, that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “One who recites Durood Shareef 1000 times on a Friday will most certainly see his palace in Jannah before his death.”

Hundred needs fulfilled

Hadhrat Anas Radiyallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, “Whoever recites durood on me on a Friday, or on a Thursday night, for him Allah Ta’ala shall fulfil one hundred of his needs. Allah Ta’ala appoints an angel who brings that durood to me by my grave in the same manner as you people have gifts presented to you.”

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2019-02-14T08:52:26+00:00February 14th, 2019|Categories: Articles|