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Hijjeh Spelling method Presentation
Hijjeh or spelling method of teaching Part One and Two
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100 Thousand Istighfaar by: Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Hamid (DB)
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Importance of a maktab ustaads keeping in contact with the parents of the children.
Winding Up of Estates and
Drawing up an Islamic Will
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Advice & Articles |
Good Health
Please find attached article on “Good Health”
These advices have been extracted from Behishti Zewar (part 8) which was written by Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA).
Hadhrat was a Hakeem and had great knowledge on good health. That is besides the fact that he was also Hakeemul Ummat.
There are many pertinent advices that Hadhrat gives for maintainin […]
When will Imaam Mahdi appear?
Once Moulana Ihtiramul Hasan Kandhlawi (RA) narrated:
Dr Abdul Carrim Saahib and myself were once discussing regarding the appearance of Imaam Mahdi. Doctor Saahib was of the opinion that he is to appear anytime now and I was insisting that there are certain signs menti […]
Imaani Muzaakarah |
اَلْبَارِئُ – Al Baari’ : The Originator
اَلْبَارِئُ – Al Baari’ : The Originator
- Allah Ta’ala is the one who brings things into existence.
- Allah Ta’ala alone brings things from non-existence into existence.
- There was nothing and Allah Ta’ala made everything.
- We need bricks, windows and doors to make a small house. But Allah Ta’ala does not need anything to make the entire world. Without a drop, Allah Ta’ala made the oceans. Without a leaf, Allah Ta’ala made the trees. Without sand Allah Ta’ala made the mountains.
- Allah Ta’ala alone brings things from non-existence into existence, with wisdom and perfection.
Dear Ustaaz / Apa
Explain this quality of Allah Ta’ala to the children and make them understand that Allah Ta’ala creates without any raw material
Objectives of a Maktab
- To teach the correct Aqeedah (Beliefs of a Muslim).
- To teach the recitation of the Qur’aan Shareef with tajweed .
- To practically teach the manner of wudhu, ghusal, salaah, and other ibaadaat.
- To teach good manners and good character.
- To instil the love of Allah Ta’ala, Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam , and the Sunnah in the hearts of the students.
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5 Pillars of Islam