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Muhtaram Ulama / Mua’llimaat

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

Please find attached the complete breakdown of the maktab syllabus in all eight subjects.

1. Please study this breakdown carefully when preparing your work for the year.
2. Also take note of the new books used in the syllabus. (History Grade 1 and 2 are new books).
3. Those teaching Grade 5 should take particular note of the Grade 5 Fiqh syllabus. Check carefully on the syllabus breakdown how much to learn for the first half of the year and how much to prepare for the second half. Do not follow the breakdown in the kitaab.
January 27th, 2024|NOTICE BOARD|

First Day of Madrasah

Respected Ulama / Mu’allimaat
Assalaamu alaykum warhmatullahi wabrakaatuhu

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Ta’ala our Madrasahs are opening today. Once again children will be coming to Madrasah to learn the Qur-aan Shareef by us. All praise is due to Allah Ta’ala alone for this. May Allah accept our broken efforts.

10 guidelines for the first day of Madrasah

  1. Perform two rakaats of Salaatul Haajaat and make dua to Allah Ta’ala for assistance, guidance and acceptance.
  2. Get familiar with your classroom as well as the new children in your class.
  3. Write down the names of the pupils in the temporary register. [Attached]
  4. Give the children a small talk on the importance of coming to Madrasah everyday and how it will benefit them in this world and the next.
  5. Read out to them the guidelines for pupils. [This is found in the pupil’s diary].
  6. Give each child an enrolment form and ask him/her to have it filled in by his/her parents/guardians.
  7. Collect all pupils’ blue progress cards. Erase assessments in surahs, duas and Hadith.
  8. Check if you have all the necessary kitaabs for your class. If you are short of any books, please make a note of it and contact your Principal / Supervisor. [Pls make a note of the changes in the syllabus].
  9. Commence sabak of Qur-aan / Qaidah on the first day of Madrasah.
  10. Do some revision of past years Surahs and Duas in the form of a group.
Note: The Ta’limi Board workshop will take place on Saturday 20 January at the Westville Jaami Masjid at 9:15 am Insha Allah

May Allah Ta’ala accept our broken efforts and bless us with His special Rahmah and Mercy.

Was Salaam
Ta’limi Board (KZN)
January 17th, 2024|NOTICE BOARD|

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Important Audio Clips

100 Thousand Istighfaar by: Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Hamid (DB)

>>>Download Istighfaar Chart<<<

Importance of a maktab ustaads keeping in contact with the parents of the children.

Winding Up of Estates and
Drawing up an Islamic Will







Advice & Articles

Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Mazh’oon radiallahu anhu

During the time of jaahiliyyah, the Arabs used to consider wine, dine and song to be the ultimate way of life. However there were certain people amongst them who understood and realized that life has a deeper purpose and meaning. Amongst these wise men was a person by the name of Uthman bin Mazh’oon. He had made wine forbidden upon himself and if anyone enquired from him the reason for this, he would respond by saying that why should I consume something which clou […]


The First Maktab in South Africa –1793

On the 06 April 1780, a prince by the name of Imaam Abdullah ibnul Qadhi, famously known as Tuan Guru was brought to the Cape of Good Hope as a prisoner of the Dutch. He was imprisoned at Robbin Island for fighting against the Dutch Rule in Indonesia. He hailed from Tidore in the Ternate Isla […]


Muharram & Aashura

The first month in the Islamic Year is the month of Muharram and the last month is the month of Zul Hijjah. The Islamic year has approximately 355 days. The Islamic calendar is based on the movement of the moon in the sky. When the new crescent is sighted, this means that the new month has commenced.


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Imaani Muzaakarah

العزيز – ​Al-Azeez​: The Mighty / The Strong

العزيز – ​Al-Azeez​: The Mighty / The Strong

All might and strength belong to Allah Ta’ala alone. Nothing and no one can stand in front of Allah Ta’ala. If Allah Ta’ala wants, in one second He can crush the whole world. We are so small and weak, what will happen to us? Therefore, we should fear and obey ALLAH TA’ALA Who is Most Strong.

April 15th, 2018|
What is “Imaani Muzaakarah” and how does it work? Click here to find out!
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Objectives of a Maktab

  1. To teach the correct Aqeedah (Beliefs of a Muslim).
  2. To teach the recitation of the Qur’aan Shareef with tajweed .
  3. To practically teach the manner of wudhu, ghusal, salaah, and other ibaadaat.
  4. To teach good manners and good character.
  5. To instil the love of Allah Ta’ala, Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam , and the Sunnah in the hearts of the students.

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5 Pillars of Islam